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Get all words from a sentence in GO (Golang)

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In GO string are UTF-8 encoded. strings package of GO provides a Fields method that can be used to split a string around an instance of one or more consecutive white space character.

Below is the signature of the function

func Fields(s string) []string 

As you can notice it returns a slice of substrings of the input string. Also, note that if the input string is empty it will return an empty slice if


package main

import (

func main() {
    //Case 1 Input string contains single spaces
    res := strings.Fields("ab cd ef")

    //Case 2 Input string doesn't contain white spaces
    res = strings.Fields("abcdef")

    //Case 3 Input string contains double white spaces and spaces at end too.
    res = strings.Fields("ab  cd   ef ")

    //Case 4: Input string contain white spaces only. Will output a empty slice
    res = strings.Fields("  ")

    //Case 5: Input string is empty. Will output a empty slice
    res = strings.Fields("")


[ab cd ef]
[ab cd ef]