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Understanding Array in Go (Golang) – Complete Guide

This is the  chapter 17 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series

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Similar to any other programming language, golang also has array data structure. But in go, arrays behave little differently than other languages and also we have something called slice in golang which is like a reference to an array. In this article, we will study only array.


An array is a contiguous collection of elements of the same type. It is an ordered sequence of elements stored contiguously in memory

Here is the format for the declaration of an array

sample := [size_of_array]{type}{a1, a2... an}

In golang, the size of the array is part of its type. So  This means that two arrays that have a different number of elements are of two different types and one cannot be assigned to another. Below error will be raised in case we try to assign two arrays of different length

cannot use sample1 (type [1]int) as type [2]int in assignment

The code is:

sample1 := [1]int{1}
sample2 := [2]int{1,2}

sample2 = sample1

For the same reason the length of array is fixed during create and cannot be changed later.

Declaration of an array

Both number of elements and actual elements are optional in the array declaration.

In below example, we see 4 ways of declaring of an array

[2]int{1, 2}
[...]int{2, 3}

Let’s see a code example illustrating above points. Also please keep in mind that the builtin function len() can be used to calculate the length of an array. In below program we are using len() function to calculate the length of the array.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    //Both number of elements and actual elements
    sample1 := [2]int{1, 2}
    fmt.Printf("Sample1: Len: %d, %v\n", len(sample1), sample1)

    //Only actual elements
    sample2 := [...]int{2, 3}
    fmt.Printf("Sample2: Len: %d, %v\n", len(sample2), sample2)

    //Only number of elements
    sample3 := [2]int{}
    fmt.Printf("Sample3: Len: %d, %v\n", len(sample3), sample3)

    //Without both number of elements and actual elements
    sample4 := [...]int{}
    fmt.Printf("Sample4: Len: %d, %v\n", len(sample4), sample4)


Sample1: Len: 2, [1 2]
Sample2: Len: 2, [2 3]
Sample3: Len: 2, [0 0]
Sample4: Len: 0, []

Notice in the above example that for sample3 variable the actual elements are filled up with the default value of int which is 0.

It is also ok if the actual elements specified are less than the length of the array. The rest of the elements are filled up with the default value of the type specified. See the below example. The length of the array specified is 4 while only 2 actual elements are declared. Hence the remaining two elements are assigned value 0 which is the default zero value of an int.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    sample := [4]int{5, 8}
    fmt.Printf("Sample: Len: %d, %v\n", len(sample), sample)


Sample: Len: 4, [5 8 0 0]

Accessing array elements

Since array element are stored in contiguous manner, we can access an array element using an index. Similarly individual array elements can also be assigned a value using index. Accessing out of bound index will cause a compilation error. See below examples illustrating these points. The first index position will be zero and last will (length_of_array-1)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    sample := [2]string{"aa", "bb"}


    sample[0] = "xx"
    //sample[3] = "yy"


[xx bb]

On uncommenting the below line

sample[3] = "yy"

, it will give compilation error

invalid array index 3 (out of bounds for 2-element array)

Arrays are value in go

Array are value type in go. So an array variable name is not a pointer to the first element in fact it denotes the entire array. A copy of the array will be created when

Let’s see above point with another example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    sample1 := [2]string{"a", "b"}
    fmt.Printf("Sample1 Before: %v\n", sample1)
    sample2 := sample1
    sample2[0] = "c"
    fmt.Printf("Sample1 After assignment: %v\n", sample1)
    fmt.Printf("Sample2: %v\n", sample2)
    fmt.Printf("Sample1 After Test Function Call: %v\n", sample1)
func test(sample [2]string) {
    sample[0] = "d"
    fmt.Printf("Sample in Test function: %v\n", sample)


Sample1 Before: [a b]
Sample1 After assignment: [a b]
Sample in Test function: [d b]
Sample1 After Test Function Call: [a b]

In above example,

Different ways of iterating an array

An array can be iterated using:

Let’s see a code example for both

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    letters := [3]string{"a", "b", "c"}
    //Using for loop
    fmt.Println("Using for loop")
    len := len(letters)
    for i := 0; i < len; i++ {
    //Using for-range operator
    fmt.Println("\nUsing for-range loop")
    for i, letter := range letters {
        fmt.Printf("%d %s\n", i, letter)


Using for loop

Using for-range loop
0 a
1 b
2 c

MultiDimensional Arrays

Below is the format for declaring a two dimensional array

sample := [x][y]{type}{{a11, a12 .. a1y},
                       {a21, a22 .. a2y},
                       {.. },
                       {ax1, ax2 .. axy}}     


The same idea can be extended to three dimensions, four dimensions, and so on. All the rules we discussed above also apply to multidimensional arrays too.

Let's see a code example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    sample := [2][3]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}
    fmt.Println("First Run")
    for _, row := range sample {
        for _, val := range row {

    sample[0][0] = 6
    sample[1][2] = 1
    fmt.Println("\nSecond Run")
    for _, row := range sample {
        for _, val := range row {


First Run

Second Run

In above example we access the element of two dimensional array using index for both first and second dimension

sample[0][0] = 6

Also notice how we are traversing the two dimensional array. We need to use nested range . The first range traverses the arrays of array. The second range traverses the individual array after that.


This is all about array in Golang. Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback/improvements/mistakes in comments.

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