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Trie Implementation in Go (Golang)

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A trie is a data structure for efficient information retrieval. It is a special kind of tree where a path starting from root to a particular node can define a word that is stored in this tree. A trie can be built for entire ASCII_SIZE, ALPHABETS,  NUMBERS depending upon the use case. For, eg below will be the properties of a Trie data structure supporting small case alphabet letters

For eg for keywords [“sam”, “john”, “tim”, “jose”] below trie will be created

Full Working Code

package main

import "fmt"

const (
   //ALBHABET_SIZE total characters in english alphabet

type trieNode struct {
    childrens [ALBHABET_SIZE]*trieNode
    isWordEnd bool

type trie struct {
    root *trieNode

func initTrie() *trie {
    return &trie{
        root: &trieNode{},

func (t *trie) insert(word string) {
    wordLength := len(word)
    current := t.root
    for i := 0; i < wordLength; i++ {
        index := word[i] - 'a'
        if current.childrens[index] == nil {
            current.childrens[index] = &trieNode{}
        current = current.childrens[index]
    current.isWordEnd = true

func (t *trie) find(word string) bool {
    wordLength := len(word)
    current := t.root
    for i := 0; i < wordLength; i++ {
        index := word[i] - 'a'
        if current.childrens[index] == nil {
            return false
        current = current.childrens[index]
    if current.isWordEnd {
        return true
    return false

func main() {
    trie := initTrie()
    words := []string{"sam", "john", "tim", "jose", "rose",
        "cat", "dog", "dogg", "roses"}
    for i := 0; i < len(words); i++ {
    wordsToFind := []string{"sam", "john", "tim", "jose", "rose",
        "cat", "dog", "dogg", "roses", "rosess", "ans", "san"}
    for i := 0; i < len(wordsToFind); i++ {
        found := trie.find(wordsToFind[i])
        if found {
            fmt.Printf("Word \"%s\" found in trie\n", wordsToFind[i])
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("Word \"%s\" not found in trie\n", wordsToFind[i])


Word "sam" found in trie
Word "john" found in trie
Word "tim" found in trie
Word "jose" found in trie
Word "rose" found in trie
Word "cat" found in trie
Word "dog" found in trie
Word "dogg" found in trie
Word "roses" found in trie
Word "rosess" not found in trie
Word "ans" not found in trie
Word "san" not found in trie