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Template Method Design Pattern in Go (Golang)

Note: Interested in understanding how all other design patterns can be implemented in GO. Please see this full reference – All Design Patterns in Go (Golang)


Template Method Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that lets you define a template or algorithm for a particular operation.  Let’s understand the template design pattern with an example.

Consider the example of One Time Password or OTP. There are different types of OTP that can be triggered for eg. OTP can be SMS OTP or EMAIL OTP.  But irrespective it is an SMS OTP or EMAIL OTP,  the entire steps of the OTP process are the same.  The steps are

Even in the future let’s say a push notification OTP is introduced but still it will go through the above steps.

In such scenarios when the steps of a particular operation are the same but the steps of the operations can be implemented in a different way by different implementors , then that becomes a candidate for the Template Method Design Pattern. We define a template or algorithm which comprises of a fixed number of methods. The implementer of the operation overrides the methods of the template.

Now check out the below code example.

Important: The combination of iOtp interface and otp struct provides the capabilities of Abstract Class in go. For reference see



package main

type iOtp interface {
    genRandomOTP(int) string
    getMessage(string) string
    sendNotification(string) error

type otp struct {
    iOtp iOtp

func (o *otp) genAndSendOTP(otpLength int) error {
    otp := o.iOtp.genRandomOTP(otpLength)
    message := o.iOtp.getMessage(otp)
    err := o.iOtp.sendNotification(message)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil


package main

import "fmt"

type sms struct {

func (s *sms) genRandomOTP(len int) string {
    randomOTP := "1234"
    fmt.Printf("SMS: generating random otp %s\n", randomOTP)
    return randomOTP

func (s *sms) saveOTPCache(otp string) {
    fmt.Printf("SMS: saving otp: %s to cache\n", otp)

func (s *sms) getMessage(otp string) string {
    return "SMS OTP for login is " + otp

func (s *sms) sendNotification(message string) error {
    fmt.Printf("SMS: sending sms: %s\n", message)
    return nil

func (s *sms) publishMetric() {
    fmt.Printf("SMS: publishing metrics\n")


package main

import "fmt"

type email struct {

func (s *email) genRandomOTP(len int) string {
    randomOTP := "1234"
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: generating random otp %s\n", randomOTP)
    return randomOTP

func (s *email) saveOTPCache(otp string) {
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: saving otp: %s to cache\n", otp)

func (s *email) getMessage(otp string) string {
    return "EMAIL OTP for login is " + otp

func (s *email) sendNotification(message string) error {
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: sending email: %s\n", message)
    return nil

func (s *email) publishMetric() {
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: publishing metrics\n")


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    smsOTP := &sms{}
    o := otp{
        iOtp: smsOTP,
    emailOTP := &email{}
    o = otp{
        iOtp: emailOTP,


SMS: generating random otp 1234
SMS: saving otp: 1234 to cache
SMS: sending sms: SMS OTP for login is 1234
SMS: publishing metrics

EMAIL: generating random otp 1234
EMAIL: saving otp: 1234 to cache
EMAIL: sending email: EMAIL OTP for login is 1234
EMAIL: publishing metrics

Full Working Code:

package main

import "fmt"

type iOtp interface {
    genRandomOTP(int) string
    getMessage(string) string
    sendNotification(string) error

type otp struct {
    iOtp iOtp

func (o *otp) genAndSendOTP(otpLength int) error {
    otp := o.iOtp.genRandomOTP(otpLength)
    message := o.iOtp.getMessage(otp)
    err := o.iOtp.sendNotification(message)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

type sms struct {

func (s *sms) genRandomOTP(len int) string {
    randomOTP := "1234"
    fmt.Printf("SMS: generating random otp %s\n", randomOTP)
    return randomOTP

func (s *sms) saveOTPCache(otp string) {
    fmt.Printf("SMS: saving otp: %s to cache\n", otp)

func (s *sms) getMessage(otp string) string {
    return "SMS OTP for login is " + otp

func (s *sms) sendNotification(message string) error {
    fmt.Printf("SMS: sending sms: %s\n", message)
    return nil

func (s *sms) publishMetric() {
    fmt.Printf("SMS: publishing metrics\n")

type email struct {

func (s *email) genRandomOTP(len int) string {
    randomOTP := "1234"
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: generating random otp %s\n", randomOTP)
    return randomOTP

func (s *email) saveOTPCache(otp string) {
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: saving otp: %s to cache\n", otp)

func (s *email) getMessage(otp string) string {
    return "EMAIL OTP for login is " + otp

func (s *email) sendNotification(message string) error {
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: sending email: %s\n", message)
    return nil

func (s *email) publishMetric() {
    fmt.Printf("EMAIL: publishing metrics\n")

func main() {
    smsOTP := &sms{}
    o := otp{
        iOtp: smsOTP,
    emailOTP := &email{}
    o = otp{
        iOtp: emailOTP,


SMS: generating random otp 1234
SMS: saving otp: 1234 to cache
SMS: sending sms: SMS OTP for login is 1234
SMS: publishing metrics

EMAIL: generating random otp 1234
EMAIL: saving otp: 1234 to cache
EMAIL: sending email: EMAIL OTP for login is 1234
EMAIL: publishing metrics