Overview Pointer arithmetic is not possible in golang unlike C language. It raises compilation error. Program Output Above program raises compilation error
Tag: go
* or dereferencing pointer in Go (Golang)
Overview * operator can be used to: Dereference a pointer which means getting the value at the address stored in the pointer. Change the value at that pointer location as well Program…
Pointer to a Pointer in Go (Golang)
Overview It is also possible to create a pointer to a pointer in go c is a pointer to a pointer here. It stores the address of b which in turn stores…
Pointer in Go (Golang)
This is the chapter 15 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – StructPrevious Tutorial – Defer keyword Now let’s…
IOTA in Go (Golang)
This is the chapter 22 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – GoroutinesPrevious Tutorial – Interface Now let’s check…
Const struct in Go (Golang)
Overview Go only supports four types of constant Numeric ( int, int64, float, float64, complex128 etc) String Character or rune Boolean It doesn’t support const struct. So below program would raise a…
Constant Map in Go (Golang)
Overview Go only supports four types of constant Numeric ( int, int64, float, float64, complex128 etc) String Character or rune Boolean Go doesn’t support const map. So below program would raise a…
Character constant in Go (Golang)
Overview In go character constant is represented as a value between single quotes. Refer this article to understand character in golang better in general Also to better understand character constant in golang…
Boolean constant in Go (Golang)
Overview There are two untyped boolean constant true and false. Below is the program illustrating a boolean constant. To better understand boolean constant in golang it is important to understand typed and…
Numeric/Integer/Float constant in Go (Golang)
Overview Numeric constant in go are further divided into three types Integer Floats Complex Numbers To better understand numeric constant in golang it is important to understand typed and untyped constant in…