This is the chapter 5 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – VariablesPrevious Tutorial – Packages and Modules –…
Tag: go
Packages and Modules in Go (Golang) – Part 1
This is the chapter 4 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – Packages and Modules…
Order of execution of a Go program
Overview Below the order of execution of a go program. The program starts with the main package. All imported packages in the source files of the main package is initialized. The same…
Init function in Go (Golang)
Overview init() function is a special function that is used to initialize global variables of a package. These functions are executed when the package is initialized. Each of the GO source files…
Remove a dependency from a module in Go (Golang)
Overview To remove a module dependency we need to do below two things Remove reference of that dependency from the source files of the module Run go mod tidy command. Remove all…
Package vs Module in Go (Golang)
Overview As per module definition, it is a directory containing a collection of nested and related go packages go.mod at its root. The go.mod file defines the Module import path. Dependency requirements…
Understanding go.sum and go.mod file in Go (Golang)
Note: If you are interested in learning Golang, then for that we have a golang comprehensive tutorial series. Do check it out – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series. Now let’s see the current tutorial….
Vendor dependencies of a module in Go (Golang)
Overview If you want to vendor your dependencies, then below command can be used to achieve the same. Example Let’s see an example to better understand. First let’s create a module This…
Understanding Module name or module import path in Go (Golang)
Overview Module is go support for dependency management. A module by definition is a collection of related packages with go.mod at its root. The go.mod file defines the Module import path. Dependency…
//indirect for a dependency in go.mod file in Go (Golang)
Overview As the name suggests //indirect against a dependency in the go.mod file indicates that the dependency is indirect. go.mod file only records the direct dependency. However, it may record an indirect…