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Struct in Go (Golang)

This is the  chapter 16 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series

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GO struct is named collection of data fields which can be of different types. Struct acts as a container that has different heterogeneous data types which together represents an entity. For example, different attributes are used to represent an employee in an organization. Employee can have

.. and so on. A struct can be used to represent an employee

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

A struct in golang can be compared to a class in Object Oriented Languages

Declaring a struct type

Below is the format for declaring a struct

type struct_name struct {
    field_name1 field_type1
    field_name2 field_type2

In the above format, struct_name is the name of the struct. It has a field named field_name1 of type field_type1 and a field named field_name2 of type field_type2. This declares a new named struct type which acts as a blueprint. The type keyword is used to introduce a new type


type point struct {
    x float64
    y float64

The above declaration declares a new struct named point which has two field x and y. Both fields are of float64 type.Once a new struct type is declared we can define new concrete struct variable from it as we will see in next section

Creating a struct variable

Declaring a struct just declares a named struct type. Creating a struct variable creates an instance of that struct with memory being initialized as well. We can create a empty struct variable without given any value to any of the field

emp := employee{}

In this case, all the fields in the struct are initialized with a default zero value of that field type.

We can also initialize the value for each struct field while creating a struct variable. There are two variations

emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
emp := employee{
   name:   "Sam",
   age:    31,
   salary: 2000,

It is also ok to initialize only some of the fields with value. The field which are not initialized with value will get the default zero value of their type

emp := employee{
   name: "Sam",
   age: 31,

In above case salary will get default value of zero since it is not initialized

Let’s see a working code illustrating above points:

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp1 := employee{}
    fmt.Printf("Emp1: %+v\n", emp1)

    emp2 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Emp2: %+v\n", emp2)

    emp3 := employee{
        name:   "Sam",
        age:    31,
        salary: 2000,
    fmt.Printf("Emp3: %+v\n", emp3)

    emp4 := employee{
        name: "Sam",
        age:  31,
    fmt.Printf("Emp4: %+v\n", emp4)


Emp1: {name: age:0 salary:0}
Emp2: {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}
Emp3: {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}
Emp4: {name:Sam age:31 salary:0}

For above program

It is to be noted that in the initialization of a struct, every new line with in curly braces has to end with a comma. So below initialization will raise error as

"salary" : 2000

doesn’t end with a comma.

emp := employee{
  name:   "Sam",
  age:    31,
  salary: 2000

This will be fine

emp := employee{
  name:   "Sam",
  age:    31,
  salary: 2000}

Without field names

struct can also be initialized without specifying the field names. But in this case, all values for each of the field has to be provided in sequence

emp := employee{"Sam", 31, 2000}

A compiler error will be raised if all values are not provided when field name is not used.

Let’s see a program

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp := employee{"Sam", 31, 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Emp: %+v\n", emp)

    //emp = employee{"Sam", 31}


Emp2: {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}

Uncomment the line

emp = employee{"Sam", 31}

in the above program, and it will raise compiler error

too few values in employee literal

Accessing and Setting Struct Fields

Structs fields can be accessed using the dot operator. Below is the format for getting the value

n := emp.name

Similarly a value can be assigned to a struct field too.

emp.name = "some_new_name"
package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}

    //Accessing a struct field
    n := emp.name
    fmt.Printf("Current name is: %s\n", n)

    //Assigning a new value
    emp.name = "John"
    fmt.Printf("New name is: %s\n", emp.name)


Current name is: Sam
New name is: John

Pointer to a struct

There are two ways of creating a pointer to the struct

Let’s looks at each of above method one by one.

Using the & operator

The & operator can be used to get the pointer to a struct variable.

emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
empP := &emp

struct pointer can also be directly created as well

empP := &employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}

Let’s look at a program

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    empP := &emp
    fmt.Printf("Emp: %+v\n", empP)
    empP = &employee{name: "John", age: 30, salary: 3000}
    fmt.Printf("Emp: %+v\n", empP)


Emp: &{name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}
Emp: &{name:John age:30 salary:3000}

Using the new keyword

Using the  new() keyword will:

This will return a pointer

empP := new(employee)

Pointer address can be print using the %p format modifier

fmt.Printf("Emp Pointer: %p\n", empP)

Deference operator ‘*’ can be used to print the value at the pointer.

fmt.Printf("Emp Value: %+v\n", *empP)

It will print

Emp Value: {name: age:0 salary:0}

When not using the dereference pointer but using the format identifier  %+v, then ampersand will be appended before the struct indicating that is a pointer.

fmt.Printf("Emp Value: %+v\n", empP)

It will print

Emp Value: &{name: age:0 salary:0}

Let’s see full program denoting above points

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    empP := new(employee)
    fmt.Printf("Emp Pointer Address: %p\n", empP)
    fmt.Printf("Emp Pointer: %+v\n", empP)
    fmt.Printf("Emp Value: %+v\n", *empP)


Emp Pointer Address: 0xc000130000
Emp Pointer: &{name: age:0 salary:0}
Emp Value: {name: age:0 salary:0}

Print a Struct Variable

There are two ways to print all struct variables including all its key and values.

Let’s see the two ways in which we can print the instance of the employee struct.

Using the fmt package

fmt.Printf() function can be used to print a struct.  Different format identifiers can be used to print a struct in different ways. Let’s see how different format identifiers can be used to print a struct in different formats.

Let’s first create an instance of employee

emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
fmt.Printf("%v", emp)  -  {Sam 31 2000}
fmt.Printf("%+v", emp) - {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}

fmt.Println() function can also be used to print a struct. Since %v is the default for fmt.Printlin() function, hence output will be same as using %v for fmt.Printf()

fmt.Println(emp) - {Sam 31 2000}

Let’s see a working program too

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Emp: %v\n", emp)
    fmt.Printf("Emp: %+v\n", emp)
    fmt.Printf("Emp: %#v\n", emp)


Emp: {Sam 31 2000}
Emp: {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}
Emp: main.employee{name:"Sam", age:31, salary:2000}
{Sam 31 2000}

Printing the struct in JSON form

Second method is to print the struct in the JSON format. Marshal and MarshalIndent function of encoding/json package can be used to print a struct in JSON format. Here is the difference

Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error)

It is to be noted that both Marshal and MarshalIndent function can only access the exported fields of a struct, which means that only the capitalized fields can be accessed and encoded in JSON form.

package main

import (

type employee struct {
    Name   string
    Age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp := employee{Name: "Sam", Age: 31, salary: 2000}
    empJSON, err := json.Marshal(emp)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Marshal funnction output %s\n", string(empJSON))

    empJSON, err = json.MarshalIndent(emp, "", "  ")
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("MarshalIndent funnction output %s\n", string(empJSON))


Marshal funnction output {"Name":"Sam","Age":31}

MarshalIndent funnction output {
  "Name": "Sam",
  "Age": 31

The salary field is not printed in the output because it begins with a lowercase letter and is not exported. The Marshal function output is not formatted while the MarshalIndent function output is formatted.

golang also allows the JSON encoded struct key name to be different by the use of struct meta fields as will see in the next section.

Struct Field Meta or Tags

A struct in go also allows adding metadata to its fields. These meta fields can be used to encode decode into different forms, doing some forms of validations on struct fields, etc. So basically any meta information can be stored with fields of a struct and can be used by any package or library for different purposes.

Below is the format for attaching a meta-data. Meta-data is a string literal i.e it is enclosed in backquotes

type strutName struct{
   fieldName type `key:value key2:value2`

Now for our use case, we will add JSON tags to employee struct as below. Marshal function will use the key name specified in the tags

type employee struct {
    Name   string `json:"n"`
    Age    int    `json:"a"`
    Salary int    `json:"s"`

Let’s see full program

package main

import (

type employee struct {
    Name   string `json:"n"`
    Age    int    `json:"a"`
    Salary int    `json:"s"`

func main() {
    emp := employee{Name: "Sam", Age: 31, Salary: 2000}
    //Converting to jsonn
    empJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(emp, '', '  ')
    if err != nil {


  "n": "Sam",
  "a": 31,
  "s": 2000

The key name in the output is same as specified in the json meta tags.

Anonymous Fields in a Struct

A struct can have anonymous fields as well, meaning a field having no name. The type will become the field name. In below example, string will be the field name as well

type employee struct {
    age    int
    salary int

The anonymous field can also be accessed and assigned a value

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp := employee{string: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    //Accessing a struct field
    n := emp.string
    fmt.Printf("Current name is: %s\n", n)
    //Assigning a new value
    emp.string = "John"
    fmt.Printf("New name is: %s\n", emp.string)


Current name is: Sam
New name is: John

Nested Struct

A struct can have another struct nested in it. Let’s see an example of a nested struct. In below employee struct has address struct nested it in.

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name    string
    age     int
    salary  int
    address address

type address struct {
    city    string
    country string

func main() {
    address := address{city: "London", country: "UK"}
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000, address: address}
    fmt.Printf("City: %s\n", emp.address.city)
    fmt.Printf("Country: %s\n", emp.address.country)


City: London
Country: UK

Notice how nested struct fields are accessed.


Anonymous nested struct fields

The nested struct field can also be anonymous. Also, in this case, nested struct’s fields are directly accessed. So below is valid


It is also to be noted that below is still valid in this case


Let’s see a program

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
	name   string
	age    int
	salary int

type address struct {
	city    string
	country string

func main() {
	address := address{city: "London", country: "UK"}

	emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000, address: address}

	fmt.Printf("City: %s\n", emp.address.city)
	fmt.Printf("Country: %s\n", emp.address.country)

	fmt.Printf("City: %s\n", emp.city)
	fmt.Printf("Country: %s\n", emp.country)


City: London
Country: UK
City: London
Country: UK

Notice in above program that city field of address struct can be accessed in two ways


Similar for the country field of the address struct.

Exported and UnExported fields of a struct

Go doesn’t have any public,  private or protected keyword. The only mechanism to control the visibility outside the package is using the capitalized and non-capitalized formats

So any struct which starts with a capital letter is exported to other packages.  Similarly any struct field which starts with capital is exported otherwise not. Let’s see an example that shows exporting and non-exporting of structs and struct fields. See model.go and test.go below. Both belong to the main package.


package main

import "fmt"

//Person struct
type Person struct {
    Name string
    age  int

type company struct {

Let’s write a file test.go in same main package. See below.


package main

import "fmt"

//Test function
func Test() {
    p := &Person{
        Name: "test",
        age:  21,
    c := &company{}

On running this file, it is able to access all exported and un-exported fields in model.go as both lies in the same package main. There is no compilation error and it gives below output


&{test 21}

Let’s move the above file model.go to a different package named model. Now notice the output on running ‘go build’. It gives compilation errors. All the compilation error are because test.go in main package to not able to refer to un-exported fields of model.go in model package


package model

//Person struct
type Person struct {
	Name string
	age  int

type company struct {


package main

import (
        //This will path of your model package

//Test function
func main() {
	p := &model.Person{
		Name: "test",
		age:  21,
	c := &model.company{}



cannot refer to unexported name model.company
p.age undefined (cannot refer to unexported field or method age)

Struct Equality

The first thing to know before considering struct equality is weather if all struct fields types are comparable or not

Some of the comparable types as defined by go specification are

Some of the types which are not comparable as per go specification and which cannot be used as a key in a map are.

So two struct will be equal if first all their field types are comparable and all the corresponding field values are equal. Let’s see an example

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp1 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    emp2 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    if emp1 == emp2 {
        fmt.Println("emp1 annd emp2 are equal")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("emp1 annd emp2 are not equal")


emp1 annd emp2 are equal

If the struct field type are not comparable then there will be compilation error on checking struct equality using the == operator.

package main
import "fmt"
type employee struct {
    name        string
    age         int
    salary      int
    departments []string
func main() {
    emp1 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000, departments: []string{"CS"}}
    emp2 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000, departments: []string{"EC"}}
    if emp1 == emp2 {
        fmt.Println("emp1 annd emp2 are equal")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("emp1 annd emp2 are not equal")

Above program will raise compilation error as employee struct contains a field deparments which is a slice of string. slice is not a comparable type and hence the compilation error.

invalid operation: emp1 == emp2 (struct containing []string cannot be compared)

Struct are value types

A struct is value type in go. So a struct variable name is not a pointer to the struct in fact it denotes the entire struct. A new copy of the struct will be created when

Let’s see above point with another example

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func main() {
    emp1 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Emp1 Before: %v\n", emp1)

    emp2 := emp1

    emp2.name = "John"
    fmt.Printf("Emp1 After assignment: %v\n", emp1)
    fmt.Printf("Emp2: %v\n", emp2)

    fmt.Printf("Emp1 After Test Function Call: %v\n", emp1)

func test(emp employee) {
    emp.name = "Mike"
    fmt.Printf("Emp in Test function: %v\n", emp)


Emp1 Before: {Sam 31 2000}
Emp1 After assignment: {Sam 31 2000}
Emp2: {John 31 2000}
Emp in Test function: {Mike 31 2000}
Emp1 After Test Function Call: {Sam 31 2000}

In above example,


This is all about struct in golang. In this article, we learned different ways of initializing a struct, pointer to struct, different ways of printing, about anonymous fields, etc. I hope you have liked this article. Please share the feedback/improvements/mistakes in the comments.

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