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Split a string in Go(Golang)

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In Golang string are UTF-8 encoded. strings package of GO provides a Split method that can be used to split a string by a separator.

Below is the signature of the function:

func Split(s, sep string) []string

As you can notice the return value of the Split function is a slice of string. Let’s notice some points about this method


package main

import (

func main() {
    //Case 1 s contains sep. Will output slice of length 3
    res := strings.Split("ab$cd$ef", "$")

    //Case 2 s doesn't contain sep. Will output slice of length 1
    res = strings.Split("ab$cd$ef", "-")

    //Case 3 sep is empty. Will output slice of length 8
    res = strings.Split("ab$cd$ef", "")

    //Case 4 both s and sep are empty. Will output empty slice
    res = strings.Split("", "")


[ab cd ef]
[a b $ c d $ e f]