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Print/Output text in color in console

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ANSI escape codes can be used to output colored text in console. Please note that

Also to mention in the below code we have used colorReset after printing. If we don’t use that then the color effect remains and it is not cleared. Remove the colorReset from below code and it will show text “next” in cyan color
Below is code in golang to do the same.


package main

import (

func main() {
    colorReset := "\033[0m"

    colorRed := "\033[31m"
    colorGreen := "\033[32m"
    colorYellow := "\033[33m"
    colorBlue := "\033[34m"
    colorPurple := "\033[35m"
    colorCyan := "\033[36m"
    colorWhite := "\033[37m"
    fmt.Println(string(colorRed), "test")
    fmt.Println(string(colorGreen), "test")
    fmt.Println(string(colorYellow), "test")
    fmt.Println(string(colorBlue), "test")
    fmt.Println(string(colorPurple), "test")
    fmt.Println(string(colorWhite), "test")
    fmt.Println(string(colorCyan), "test", string(colorReset))


On my mac machine