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Convert Unix TimeStamp to time.Time in Go (Golang)

Time can be represented in GO in both time.Time and Unix Timestamp format. The Unix Timestamp also known as Epoch Time is the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. This time is also known as the Unix epoch. Below code shows the conversion of

package main

import (

func main() {
    tNow := time.Now()

    //time.Time to Unix Timestamp
    tUnix := tNow.Unix()
    fmt.Printf("timeUnix %d\n", tUnix)

    //Unix Timestamp to time.Time
    timeT := time.Unix(tUnix, 0)
    fmt.Printf("time.Time: %s\n", timeT)


timeUnix 1257894000
time.Time: 2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 UTC