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Packages and Modules in Go (Golang) – Part 1

This is the chapter 4 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series

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Package is a way of code reusability in GO. As the name suggests, it is a way of grouping related code. Go modules is a way of dealing with dependencies in golang. 

Every GO source file (.go file) in a GO application file belongs to a package. That is why every .go file starts with.


Above is called Package Declaration. Please note this term as this will be used throughout this tutorial.

All .go files present in the same directory will belong to the same package. A great misconception around packages is that package is the name of the directory which contains .go files. That is not correct. A directory is just a directory and the name of the package is what is present in Package Declaration. Then what is the importance of the directory name? It will be explained in the tutorial as we go along.

Package can be of two types.


Module is go support for dependency management. A module by definition is a collection of related packages with go.mod at its root.  The go.mod file defines the

Consider a module as a directory containing a collection of packages. The packages can be nested as well. Modules provide

Also in addition to go.mod file go also keeps a go.sum file which contains the cryptographic hash of bits of all project’s dependent modules. This to make validate that your project’s dependent modules are not changed.

Before Modules World

Modules were introduced in go in version 1.11. Let’s see version wise changes to fully understand what was the limitations earlier and what has changed since modules

Pre Go version 1.11

Before modules go only had packages. $GOPATH location would have three directories

These were the problems which existed before the modules era

Let’s look at each problem one by one:

This was a big limitation in terms of that it restricted where you can keep your project.

Also, one issue before modules was that there was no way to specify a dependency in a project. Alternate solutions such as dep, glide were available but a native solution was missing.

When we do a go get it will download the required package in the $GOPATH/src directory.  So before go version 1.11, below go get command

go get github.com/pborman/uuid

It will download the package at the location


Notice one thing about the go get command above that no version was specified. Hence it downloads the latest version present. Also, notice the downloaded package. Even it doesn’t list down any versioning info. Now, this is a problem. What if there is an update in the  github.com/pborman/uuid package and you want to get that update. Since there is no versioning the updated package will get downloaded at the same location replacing the older one.

In Go version 1.11

In Go 1.11. modules were introduced but not finalized. So if you still using it then better to switch to the latest version

After Go Version 1.13

We already discussed all the problems which existed before the pre-modules era. Now let’s see how each of these problems got resolved with the introduction of modules.

The first problem was

With modules, this is no longer a requirement.

Modules introduced native dependency management within go. With modules, it provides two new files which are

  1. go.mod
  2. go.sum

With go.mod and go.sum files we are able to install a precise version of a dependency without breaking anything. We already gave a brief introduction to these files at the beginning of this tutorial. Later in the tutorial, we will look at it in detail

So if you download a different version of the same library then both will be downloaded in a different directory inside $GOPATH/pkg/mod without overriding each other.  $GOPATH/pkg/mod  will have two things inside it

  1. cache – This is the folder where all dependencies will get downloaded along with the zipped code
  2. Zipped code of all downloaded dependencies will get copied over from the cache directory.

Also, there is a new env introduced named GO111MODULE

When GO111MODULE=off, then go get will behave in the old way where it will download the dependency in the $GOPATH/src folder.

When GO111MODULE=on, then go get will behave in a new way and all the modules will get downloaded in the $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache folder with versioning.

When GO111MODULE=auto, then

Let’s now create a module. Whatever we discussed will be more clear then

Understanding Package and Also Creating a module

The below command can be used to create a module.

go mod init {module_import_path}

Let’s see go.mod and go.sum file again that we had discussed earlier


It is the module dependency file. It will have three things


This file lists down the checksum of direct and indirect dependency required along with the version. It is to be mentioned that go.mod file is enough for a successful build. The checksum present in go.sum file is used to validate the checksum of each direct and indirect dependency.

Now the question is what is import_pathimport_path is the prefix path that will be used by any other module to import your module. We will learn more about the import path in the second part of the tutorial.

Go to any directory outside $GOPATH/src folder. Let’s say the directory name is learn

mkdir learn
cd learn

Let’s say the module import path is sample.com/learn

go mod init sample.com/learn

This command will create a go.mod file in the same directory.

Let’s examine the contents of this file. Do a cat go.mod

module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14

When the module is first created using the init command, go.mod file will have two things only

module sameple.com/learn
go 1.14

Since it is an empty module it doesn’t have any direct dependency specified yet. Let’s create a file named main.go in the same directory with below contents


package main

import (


func main() {
	uuidWithHyphen := uuid.NewRandom()
	uuid := strings.Replace(uuidWithHyphen.String(), "-", "", -1)

Notice the package declaration in above file

package main

This means that above source file belongs to the main package. Also Notice that we have imported the dependency in the main.go as well


Since main.go file belongs to main package, hence we can create an executable. The executable is always built with the last name in the import path of the module which contains the main package. while running the go install command. In our case the import path of the module is sample.com/learn and the last name in the import path is learn. Hence executable will be created with name learn when running go install.

Any of three command can be used to create the executable

The name of the directory would not matter here. The name of the executable will always be the same as the name of the module.  All the above commands will create an executable name learn in the $GOBIN directory. If the $GOBIN directory is in your path then you can directory run the executable


Also go install command will download all the dependencies that are required in your source files and update go.mod file with that dependency.

After running this command let’s now let’s again examine the contents of go.mod file

Do a cat go.mod

module learn

go 1.14

require github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.1

It lists direct dependency which was specified in the main.go file along with exact version of the dependency as well. Now let’s check the go.sum file as well.

Do a cat go.sum

github.com/google/uuid v1.0.0 h1:b4Gk+7WdP/d3HZH8EJsZpvV7EtDOgaZLtnaNGIu1adA=
github.com/google/uuid v1.0.0/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo=
github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.1 h1:+ZZIw58t/ozdjRaXh/3awHfmWRbzYxJoAdNJxe/3pvw=
github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.1/go.mod h1:X/NO0urCmaxf9VXbdlT7C2Yzkj2IKimNn4k+gtPdI/k=

go.sum file lists down the checksum of direct and indirect dependency required by the module.  github.com/google/uuid is internally used by the github.com/pborman/uuid . It is an indirect dependency of the module and hence it is recorded in the go.sum file. Both the direct dependency as well as the indirect dependency will be downloaded in the $GOAPTH/pkg/mod/cache folder with versioning.

We can also run the executable directly.


Note: $GOBIN directly needs to be in your path for above command to run.



The above way we added a dependency in the source file and when we run go install it downloaded that dependency and added it in the go.mod file.  Also the executable got created in the $GOBIN directory.

Now couple of points to notice

Name of the directory which contains the go.mod file doesn’t matter. You can try changing name to anything. It will always create the executable with the same name as last part in module import path.

The executable is always created with the name of the last part in the module import path which is learn here. How does import path matter we will learn in the second part of the tutorial. For now, just understand that the module import path is used to import that module into another module. Also if the module import path is just one name then executable will be created with that name only. For example, it is possible that the module import path would only have been just learn. In this case, too executable would have been created with name learn only. So for the below module import paths executable name would be learn


The name of the file won’t matter here when running ‘go install’. You can try changing the file from main.go to test.go. After doing that run the above commands again. It will create an executable with the module name which is learn and nothing changes.

The name of the package does matter. If go install sees a main package in the directory, it will create an executable in the $GOBIN directory. The name of the executable will be the same as the last name in the module import path.

What we learnt so far:

Let’s also see the same example before modules to understand the benefits offered with the introduction of the module.

Creating an application before Module

Before module all your code should lie in the $GOPATH/src folder. Let’s create a directory learn inside $GOPATH/src directory.


package main

import (


func main() {
	uuidWithHyphen := uuid.NewRandom()
	uuid := strings.Replace(uuidWithHyphen.String(), "-", "", -1)


export GO111MODULE=off
go install

Before modules the executable is always build with the name of the directory which contains the main package while running the go install command. In our case the name of directory is learn

All the above commands will create an executable name learn in the $GOBIN directory. If the $GOBIN directory is in your path then you can directory run the executable


Let’s see the limitations before modules

Modules solve all this problem as we have seen in the first example. Now we have understood the basics of packages and modules and what advantages do modules provide. Let’s now focus only on understanding the package more in detail here in this tutorial. We will focus more on modules in the second part of this tutorial- modules. Here is the link for second part – https://golangbyexample.com/packages-modules-go-second/

Let’s now add another file belonging to the main package.


package main
func subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Println(add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(subtract(2, 1))
func add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

Try running the go install command again. It will create an executable with name learn in the $GOBIN directory. Try running this executable ,It will give below output. Also notice function main in main.go is able to call the function subtract in subtract.go. It is possible because both main and subtract belong to same package main.

learn $ learn

So basically

All .go files present in the same directory will belong to the same package. This is true for all directory containing packages. It doesn’t matter whether that directory contains the go.mod file or not.   Let’s validate that. Change the package declaration to

package subtract


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package subtract

func subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a-b


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println(add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(subtract(2, 1))

func add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

Notice the Package Declaration. It is

package subtract

Let’s try running the go install command. It will give error

can't load package: package learn: found packages subtract (subtract.go) and main (main.go) in

The above error means that directory learn contains two files subtract.go and main.go belonging to two different packages named subtract and main respectively.  GO source files belonging to different packages with in the same directory is not allowed hence this error. Change the Package Declaration in subtract.go to belong to main package and the error will go away

As you might have noticed we are using two functions, add and subtract. These two methods are arithmetic functions and it will be good if we can make as part of some common code which can be used by other parts. This is where package is useful . Idea is to create a new package math which will include these two functions.  Through this way package provides a way of code reusability. Let’s introduce a new package math


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math

func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b


package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))

If you run this program, output will be same:


Couple of points to notice about above program

main.go file imports the package using “sample.com/learn/math” and is able to call Add and Subtract using math.Add(..) and math.Subtract(..)See how we have imported the math package in the main.go file.


Here the import path is import path of module which is learn +  directory containing the package which is math. Hence “sample.com/learn/math” . Packages in nested directory can also be imported in the same way.

We created new directory math and created new file math.go in it. The math.go has Package Declaration as “package math”. It also has file math.go which contains two functions Add and Subtract.

Let’s talk about the import statement first. There are two ways in which we can import a package

import (

and another form

import "fmt"
import "sample.com/learn/math"

You can import any number of packages in a program. GO tries to resolve in below way

import "sample.com/learn/math"

Above statement essentially means that import package present at location “sample.com/learn/math”. It doesn’t mean import package math. To validate that let’s change the directory name to math2. Package Declaration is still same which is “package math”


module sample.com/learn

go 1.14

learn/math2/math.go – Notice that directory name is math2 here

package math

func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b


package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))

If you run this program, output will still be same:

In main.go the import folder changes to “sample.com/learn/math2” but it  main function in main.go still refers to Add and Subtract as math.Add() and math.Subtract() . So basically GO imports math package from “math2” directory. This is what we meant when we said  import means to import package present at that directory location.

So we now know  the use of a package directory name

What about filename. In above case filename is math.go. Filename doesn’t matter. You can try changing filename from math.go to something else. Output will still the same.

Let’s move ahead. You might have noticed that both Add and Subtract are capitalized. Why is that. What will happen if they are not capitalized. If Add and Subtract were not capitalized, then main.go won’t be able to refer them. This brings our next topic for discussion.

Exported vs Unexported Names

Go doesn’t have any publicprivate or protected keyword. The only mechanism to control the visibility is using the capitalized and non-capitalized formats

There are five kinds of identifier which can be exported or non-exported

  1. Structure
  2. Structure’s Method
  3. Structure’s Field
  4. Function
  5. Variable

Let’s add a function named multiply which will be in lowercase. We will add it to math package and see if it is accessible from main.go.


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math
func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b
func multiply(a, b int) int {
    return a * b


package main
import (
func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.multiply(2, 1))

Let’s run this program. It will give error

learn $ go install
learn $ learn
./main.go:12:14: cannot refer to unexported name math.multiply
./main.go:12:14: undefined: math.multiply

The error is because main.go cannot refer to unexported name math.multiply. Make multiply as uppercase and it will work. It should give below output after that.


Also as mentioned during the start of the tutorial, multiply function will be available within the math package. To illustrate this let’s create a function Mul in arithmetic.go which will call multiply function internally


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math
func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b
func Mul(a, b int) int {
    return multiply(a, b)
func multiply(a, b int) int {
    return a * b


package main
import (
func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Mul(2, 1))

Let’s run this program

learn $ go install
learn $ learn

The above program works because within the same package you can refer to unexported or non-capitalized names as well.

For now math.go contains both Add and Subtract function. Can we distribute these two functions to different files with these function still belonging to same package math. Yes we can do that. Let’s create add.go and subtract.go file inside the math directory. add.go will contain the Add function and subtract.go will contain the Subtract function. Notice that both add.go and subtract.go have the same package declaration which is package math


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math
func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b


package math
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b


package main
import (
func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))

Let’s run this program

learn $ go install
learn $ learn

It works because the import statement in main.go fetches all identifiers from all files which belong to package math from import. path “sample.com/learn/math”

Nested Packages

In GO it is possible to create nested packages. Let’s create a new directory named advanced inside math directory.  “. This directory will contain square.go file which will package declaration as “package advanced”


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math
func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b


package advanced
func Square(a int) int {
    return a * a


package main
import (
func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))

Let’s run this program

learn $ go install
learn $ learn

Points to note about above program

Aliasing in importing packages

Aliasing in importing packages means give a different name to the imported package. Syntax for it is


Above statement means that what ever package is present at directory <directory_path> import that package with name <new_name>. Aliasing is useful for giving

Let’s see an example.


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a - b


package math
func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b


package main
import (
    math2 "sample.com/learn/math2"
func main() {
    fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
    fmt.Println(math2.Subtract(2, 1))

Let’s run this program

go install
learn $ learn

Notice the line. We alias math package present “sample.com/learn/math2” to math2. If we haven’t done that then GO will raise a compilation issue as it cannot import package with same name from two different folders. This one of the advantage of using alias.

math2 "sample.com/learn/math2"

Init Functions

init() function is a special function that is used to initialize global variables of a package. These functions are executed when the package is initialized. Each of the GO source files in a package can have its own init() function. Whenever you import any package in the program, then on the execution of that program, init functions(if present)  in the GO source files belonging to that imported package are called first. Some points to note about init function

init function is majorly used for the initialization of global variables that cannot be initialized using an initialization expression. For example, it requires a network call to intialize any DB client. Another example could be fetching secret keys on startup. Init function is also used for running anything that only needs to be executed once. Let’s see a simple use case of using an init function. 

Let’s see an example of using an init function.


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package math

import "fmt"

func init(){
	fmt.Println("In add init")

func Add(a, b int) int {
	return a + b


package math

import "fmt"

func init(){
	fmt.Println("In subtract init")

func Subtract(a, b int) int {
	return a - b


package main

import (


func init(){
    fmt.Println("In main init")

func main() {
	fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 1))
	fmt.Println(math.Subtract(2, 1))


In add init
In subtract init
In main init

Notice from the output that

Although both the source files belong to the same package math but init function in both the source files gets executed.

Order of execution of a Go program

Below the order of execution of a go program.

Note here that package initialization is only done once even if it is imported several times. 

For example, if the main package imports package a and in turn package a imports package b, then below will be the order

Let’s see a program for the same.


module sameple.com/learn

go 1.14


package b

import (

func init() {
	fmt.Println("Init: b1")

func TestB() error {
	return nil


package b

import (

func init() {
	fmt.Println("Init: b2")


package a

import (

func init() {
	fmt.Println("Init: a1")

func TestA() error {
	return b.TestB()


package a

import (

func init() {
	fmt.Println("Init: a2")


package main

import (

func init() {
	fmt.Println("Init: main")
func main() {
	fmt.Println("Main Function Executing")


Init: b1
Init: b2
Init: a1
Init: a2
Init: main
Main Function Executing

Notice in the above example that the init function in source files of package b is run first. Then init function in source files of the package a is run and then init function in the source file of the main package is run. After that main function is run

Blank Identifier in import

Blank identifier in importing packages means specifying a blank import for the imported package. The syntax for it is

import _ 

What is this blank import and why it is used. For this, you have to understand two things

  1. About init function
  2. About blank identifier represented by an underscore (‘_‘)

init() function we already studied above.

Now let’s come to blank identifier.

You are already aware that go doesn’t allow any unused variable. Any unused variable can be replaced by a blank identifier (‘_’).
So now a blank import of a package is used when

So basically a blank import is used when a package is solely imported for its side effects. As an example MySQL package is used as a blank import for its side-effect of registering the MySQL driver as a database driver in the init() function of MySQL package, without importing any other functions:

_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

Package Naming Convention

A good name is very important for the package as any access to the package’s types, functions, constants, or variables is prefixed by the package name. So the package name should be short and clear. It is recommended to avoid


In this tutorial, we learned about packages and gave a small introduction to modules. It is important to understand packages first before we can jump fully to modules. In the second part of this tutorial, we will focus entirely on modules. Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback/mistakes/improvements in the comments

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Set up GO Workspace and Hello World Program