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Multiple constant declarations in Go (Golang)


Below are some of the ways of declaring multiple constant together

Declaring multiple const together with different value and type

const (
  a = "circle"
  b = 1
  c float = 4.65

The declaration can be typed or untyped. Refer to this article to understand the difference between typed and untyped constant – https://golangbyexample.com/typed-untyped-constant-golang/

Declaring multiple const together with same value and type

const (
  a string = "circle"

When constant type and value is not provided, then it gets its type and value from previous declaration

Combining above two

const (
  a string "circle"
  c = 1

Multiple declaration in single line

const a, b = 1, 2
const c, d int = 3, 4

Declaration again can be typed or untyped