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Method in Go (Golang)

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A method in golang is nothing but a function with a receiver. A receiver is an instance of some specific type such as struct, but it can be an instance of any other custom type. So basically when you attach a function to a type, then that function becomes a method for that type. The method will have access to the properties of the receiver and can call the receiver’s other methods.

Why Method

Since method lets you define a function on a type, it lets you write object-oriented code in Golang. There are also some other benefits such as two different methods can have the same name in the same package which is not possible with functions

Format of a Method

Below is the format for a method

func (receiver receiver_type) some_func_name(arguments) return_values

The method receiver and receiver type appear between the func keyword and the function name. The return_values come at the last.

Also, let’s understand more differences between a function and a method. There are some important differences between them. Below is the signature of a function


func some_func_name(arguments) return_values

We have already seen the signature of a method


func (receiver receiver_type) some_func_name(arguments) return_values

From the above signature, it is clear that the method has a receiver argument. This is the only difference between function and method, but due to it they differ in terms of functionality they offer

Methods on Structs

Golang is not an object-oriented language. It doesn’t support type inheritance, but it does allow us to define methods on any custom type including structs. Since struct is a named collection of fields and methods can also be defined on it. As such struct in golang can be compared to a class in Object-Oriented Languages.

Let’s see an example of method on struct

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func (e employee) details() {
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", e.name)
    fmt.Printf("Age: %d\n", e.age)

func (e employee) getSalary() int {
    return e.salary

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Salary %d\n", emp.getSalary())


Name: Sam
Age: 31
Salary 2000

Notice that the receiver is available inside the method and fields of the receiver can be accessed inside the method.

Can field of the receiver also be changed inside the method?

Let’s see that

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func (e employee) setNewName(newName string) {
    e.name = newName

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)


Name: Sam

A method setNewName is defined on the employee struct in the above code. In this method, we update the name of the employee like this

e.name = newName

After setting the new name when we print the employee name again in the main function, we see that the old name “Sam” is printed instead of “John”. This happens because method is defined on a value receiver

func (e employee) setNewName(newName string)

Since the method is defined on a value receiver when the method is called a copy of the receiver is made and that copy of the receiver is available inside the method. Since it is a copy, any changes made to the value receiver is not visible to the caller. That is why it prints the old name “Sam” instead of “John”. Now the question which comes to the mind whether there is any way to fix this. And the answer is yes, and this is where pointer receivers come into the picture.

Method on a Pointer Receiver

In the above example we saw a method on a value receiver. Any change made to a value receiver is not visible to the caller. Methods can also be defined on a pointer receiver. Any change made to the pointer receiver will be visible to the caller. Let’s see an example

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func (e *employee) setNewName(newName string) {
    e.name = newName

func main() {
    emp := &employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)


Name: John

In above program, we defined the method setNewName on a pointer receiver

func (e *employee) setNewName(newName string)

Then we created an employee pointer and called the setNewName method on it. We see that the changes made to the employee pointer inside the setNewName are visible to the caller and it prints the new name.

Is it necessary to create the employee pointer to call a method with a pointer receiver? No, it is not. The method can be called on the employee instance and the language will take care of it to correctly pass it as a pointer to the method. This flexibility is provided by the language.

Let’s see an example

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func (e *employee) setNewName(newName string) {
    e.name = newName

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}

    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)

    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)


Name: John
Name: Mike

We see in the above program that even if a method is defined on a pointer receiver but we are calling the method with a non-pointer employee instance


But the language passes the receiver as a pointer and therefore the changes are visible to the caller.

Even this way of calling is valid


Now, how about the other way around. If a method is defined on a value receiver, can the method be called with a pointer of the receiver?

Yes, even this is valid and the language takes care of passing the argument correctly as value receiver irrespective of whether the method was called on a pointer or normal struct.

Let’s see an example

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary int

func (e employee) setNewName(newName string) {
    e.name = newName

func main() {
    emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}

    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)

    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)
    emp2 := &employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp2.name)


Name: Sam
Name: Sam
Name: Sam

Do note here since in all three cases, the setNewName method had a value receiver hence changes are not visible to the caller as the value is passed as a copy. It prints the old name in all three cases

To summarize what we learnt above

This is unlike function where if

When to use pointer receiver

Some More Points to note about methods

ERROR: cannot define new methods on non-local types
package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
	name   string
	age    int
	salary int

func (e employee) details() {
	fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", e.name)
	fmt.Printf("Age: %d\n", e.age)

func (e *employee) setName(newName string) {
	e.name = newName

func main() {
	emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}

	(*employee).setName(&emp, "John")

	fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", emp.name)


Name: Sam
Age: 31
Name: John

In above example we see a different method for calling a method. There are two cases

(*employee).setName(&emp, "John")

Also note that arguments of the method starts from the second argument as for setName function above:

(*employee).setName(&emp, "John")

You will rarely see this style being used and the dot notation style that we discussed earlier is the recommended as well as the most common way.

Methods on Anonymous nested struct fields

Let’s see a program

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
	name   string
	age    int
	salary int

type address struct {
	city    string
	country string

func (a address) details() {
	fmt.Printf("City: %s\n", a.city)
	fmt.Printf("Country: %s\n", a.country)

func main() {
	address := address{city: "London", country: "UK"}

	emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000, address: address}




City: London
Country: UK
City: London
Country: UK

Notice in above program that details method of address struct can be accessed in two ways


So in case of an anonymous nested struct, methods of that struct can be directly accessed.

Exported Method

Go doesn’t have any public,  private or protected keyword. The only mechanism to control the visibility outside the package is using the capitalized and non-capitalized formats

So any struct which starts with a capital letter is exported to other packages.  Similarly, any struct field which starts with capital is exported otherwise not. And also similarly any struct method which starts with a capital letter is exported. Let’s see an example that shows exporting and non-exporting of structs, struct fields, and methods.  See model.go and test.go below. Both belong to the main package.


package main

import "fmt"

//Person struct
type Person struct {
    Name string
    age  int

//GetAge of person
func (p *Person) GetAge() int {
    return p.age

func (p *Person) getName() string {
    return p.Name

type company struct {

Let’s write a file test.go in same main package. See below.


package main

import "fmt"

//Test function
func Test() {
    p := &Person{
        Name: "test",
        age:  21,
    c := &company{}



On running this file, it is able to access all exported and un-exported fields in model.go as both lies in the same package main. There is no compilation error and it gives below output


&{test 21}

If we move the file model.go to a different package named model. Now the output on running ‘go build’ will give compilation errors. All the compilation errors are because test.go in main package to not able to refer to un-exported fields of model.go in model package.

The compilation error will be

p.getName undefined (cannot refer to unexported field or method model.(*Person).getName)

Method Chaining

For method chaining to be possible the methods in the chain should return the receiver. Returning the receiver for the last method inn the chain is optional.

Let’s see an example of method chaining.

package main

import "fmt"

type employee struct {
	name   string
	age    int
	salary int

func (e employee) printName() employee {
	fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", e.name)
	return e

func (e employee) printAge() employee {
	fmt.Printf("Age: %d\n", e.age)
	return e

func (e employee) printSalary() {
	fmt.Printf("Salary: %d\n", e.salary)

func main() {
	emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}


Name: Sam
Age: 31
Salary: 2000

Methods on Non-Struct Types

Methods can also be defined on a non-struct custom type. Non-struct custom types can be created through type definition. Below is the format for creating a new custom type

type {type_name} {built_in_type}

For example we can a named custom type myFloat of type float64

type myFloat float64

Methods can be defined on the named custom type. See below example:


package main

import (

type myFloat float64

func (m myFloat) ceil() float64 {
    return math.Ceil(float64(m))

func main() {
    num := myFloat(1.4)




This is all about using method in Go. Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback/mistakes/improvements in comments

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Previous Tutorial – Maps