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LRU Cache Implementation in Go (Golang)


The objective is to implement a cache that will

Implementation Details

Let’s see how Get and Set are going to work in O(1) time

Set(key int, value int)

For any set operation, it will first create a doubly-linked list node with key and value supplied. Then an entry will be made into the map with key as the input key and value as the address of the node. Once the node is created, then there are two cases

Get(key int)

For any Get operation, it will first check the map if the given key exists. If it exists then it will fetch the address of the node pointed to by key in the map. It will then fetch the value from the node. Then it will pass the control to the current Eviction Algorithm which is LRU. The LRU algorithm is going to move the current node in the doubly-linked list at the end. Again the idea is that the front node in the doubly linked list is the least recently used node and to maintain that current node is moved to the end. Every operation is O(1) here.


Here is the full working code in go programming language if anyone is interested.


package main

import "fmt"

type node struct {
	key   string
	value string
	prev  *node
	next  *node

type doublyLinkedList struct {
	len  int
	tail *node
	head *node

func initDoublyList() *doublyLinkedList {
	return &doublyLinkedList{}

func (d *doublyLinkedList) AddToFront(key, value string) {
	newNode := &node{
		key:   key,
		value: value,
	if d.head == nil {
		d.head = newNode
		d.tail = newNode
	} else {
		newNode.next = d.head
		d.head.prev = newNode
		d.head = newNode

func (d *doublyLinkedList) RemoveFromFront() {
	if d.head == nil {
	} else if d.head == d.tail {
		d.head = nil
		d.tail = nil
	} else {
		d.head = d.head.next

func (d *doublyLinkedList) AddToEnd(node *node) {
	newNode := node
	if d.head == nil {
		d.head = newNode
		d.tail = newNode
	} else {
		currentNode := d.head
		for currentNode.next != nil {
			currentNode = currentNode.next
		newNode.prev = currentNode
		currentNode.next = newNode
		d.tail = newNode
func (d *doublyLinkedList) Front() *node {
	return d.head

func (d *doublyLinkedList) MoveNodeToEnd(node *node) {
	prev := node.prev
	next := node.next

	if prev != nil {
		prev.next = next

	if next != nil {
		next.prev = prev
	if d.tail == node {
		d.tail = prev
	if d.head == node {
		d.head = next
	node.next = nil
	node.prev = nil

func (d *doublyLinkedList) TraverseForward() error {
	if d.head == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("TraverseError: List is empty")
	temp := d.head
	for temp != nil {
		fmt.Printf("key = %v, value = %v, prev = %v, next = %v\n", temp.key, temp.value, temp.prev, temp.next)
		temp = temp.next
	return nil

func (d *doublyLinkedList) Size() int {
	return d.len


package main

type evictionAlgo interface {
	evict(c *Cache) string
	get(node *node, c *Cache)
	set(node *node, c *Cache)
	set_overwrite(node *node, value string, c *Cache)

func createEvictioAlgo(algoType string) evictionAlgo {
	if algoType == "fifo" {
		return &fifo{}
	} else if algoType == "lru" {
		return &lru{}

	return nil


package main

import "fmt"

type lru struct {

func (l *lru) evict(c *Cache) string {
	key := c.doublyLinkedList.Front().key
	fmt.Printf("Evicting by lru strtegy. Evicted Node Key: %s: ", key)
	return key

func (l *lru) get(node *node, c *Cache) {
	fmt.Println("Shuffling doubly linked list due to get operation")

func (l *lru) set(node *node, c *Cache) {
	fmt.Println("Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation")

func (l *lru) set_overwrite(node *node, value string, c *Cache) {
	fmt.Println("Shuffling doubly linked list due to set_overwrite operation")
	node.value = value


package main

import "fmt"

type fifo struct {

func (l *fifo) evict(c *Cache) string {
	fmt.Println("Evicting by fifo strtegy")
	key := c.doublyLinkedList.Front().key
	return key

func (l *fifo) get(node *node, c *Cache) {
	fmt.Println("Shuffling doubly linked list due to get operation")

func (l *fifo) set(node *node, c *Cache) {
	fmt.Println("Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation")

func (l *fifo) set_overwrite(node *node, value string, c *Cache) {
	fmt.Println("Shuffling doubly linked list due to set_overwrite operation")


package main

import "fmt"

type Cache struct {
	doublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList
	storage          map[string]*node
	evictionAlgo     evictionAlgo
	capacity         int
	maxCapacity      int

func initCache(evictionAlgo evictionAlgo, maxCapacity int) Cache {
	storage := make(map[string]*node)
	return Cache{
		doublyLinkedList: &doublyLinkedList{},
		storage:          storage,
		evictionAlgo:     evictionAlgo,
		capacity:         0,
		maxCapacity:      maxCapacity,

func (this *Cache) setEvictionAlgo(e evictionAlgo) {
	this.evictionAlgo = e

func (this *Cache) set(key, value string) {
	node_ptr, ok := this.storage[key]
	if ok {
		this.evictionAlgo.set_overwrite(node_ptr, value, this)
	if this.capacity == this.maxCapacity {
		evictedKey := this.evict()
		delete(this.storage, evictedKey)
	node := &node{key: key, value: value}
	this.storage[key] = node
	this.evictionAlgo.set(node, this)

func (this *Cache) get(key string) string {
	node_ptr, ok := this.storage[key]
	if ok {
		this.evictionAlgo.get(node_ptr, this)
		return (*node_ptr).value
	return ""

func (this *Cache) evict() string {
	key := this.evictionAlgo.evict(this)
	return key

func (this *Cache) print() {
	for k, v := range this.storage {
		fmt.Printf("key :%s value: %s\n", k, (*v).value)


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	lru := createEvictioAlgo("lru")
	cache := initCache(lru, 3)
	cache.set("a", "1")

	cache.set("b", "2")

	cache.set("c", "3")

	value := cache.get("a")
	fmt.Printf("key: a, value: %s\n", value)

	cache.set("d", "4")

	cache.set("e", "5")


Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation
key :a value: 1
key = a, value = 1, prev = , next = 

Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation
key :a value: 1
key :b value: 2
key = a, value = 1, prev = , next = &{b 2 0xc00007e1e0 }
key = b, value = 2, prev = &{a 1  0xc00007e210}, next = 

Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation
key :a value: 1
key :b value: 2
key :c value: 3
key = a, value = 1, prev = , next = &{b 2 0xc00007e1e0 0xc00007e2a0}
key = b, value = 2, prev = &{a 1  0xc00007e210}, next = &{c 3 0xc00007e210 }
key = c, value = 3, prev = &{b 2 0xc00007e1e0 0xc00007e2a0}, next = 

Shuffling doubly linked list due to get operation
key: a, value: 1
key :a value: 1
key :b value: 2
key :c value: 3
key = b, value = 2, prev = , next = &{c 3 0xc00007e210 0xc00007e1e0}
key = c, value = 3, prev = &{b 2  0xc00007e2a0}, next = &{a 1 0xc00007e2a0 }
key = a, value = 1, prev = &{c 3 0xc00007e210 0xc00007e1e0}, next = 

Evicting by lru strtegy. Evicted Node Key: %s:  b
Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation
key :d value: 4
key :c value: 3
key :a value: 1
key = c, value = 3, prev = &{b 2  0xc00007e2a0}, next = &{a 1 0xc00007e2a0 0xc00007e450}
key = a, value = 1, prev = &{c 3 0xc00007e210 0xc00007e1e0}, next = &{d 4 0xc00007e1e0 }
key = d, value = 4, prev = &{a 1 0xc00007e2a0 0xc00007e450}, next = 

Evicting by lru strtegy. Evicted Node Key: %s:  c
Shuffling doubly linked list due to set operation
key :a value: 1
key :d value: 4
key :e value: 5
key = a, value = 1, prev = &{c 3 0xc00007e210 0xc00007e1e0}, next = &{d 4 0xc00007e1e0 0xc00007e570}
key = d, value = 4, prev = &{a 1 0xc00007e2a0 0xc00007e450}, next = &{e 5 0xc00007e450 }
key = e, value = 5, prev = &{d 4 0xc00007e1e0 0xc00007e570}, next = 


This is all about LRU cache implementation in Golang. Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback in the comments