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Longest Palindromic Substring within a string in Go (Golang)

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The objective is to find the largest palindromic substring within a string. For eg let’s say the input string is


The output should be aba which is the largest palindromic substring.

We will use Dynamic Programming to solve this problem. We will use two matrices. Each matrix will be of the size len*len where len is the size of the input string

Below is the optimal substructure

len(i,j) = 2 + len(i+1, j-1)
len(i,j) = max(len(i+1,j), len(i,j-1)


Below is the program for the same

package main

import (

func main() {
	output := longestPalindrome("cabae")

func longestPalindrome(s string) string {
	stringLength := utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
	isPalindromeMatrix := make([][]int, stringLength)
	for i := range isPalindromeMatrix {
		isPalindromeMatrix[i] = make([]int, stringLength)

	for i, outer := range isPalindromeMatrix {
		for j := range outer {
			if i == j {
				isPalindromeMatrix[i][j] = 1


	palindromeLengthMatrix := make([][]int, stringLength)
	for i := range palindromeLengthMatrix {
		palindromeLengthMatrix[i] = make([]int, stringLength)

	for i, outer := range palindromeLengthMatrix {
		for j := range outer {
			if i == j {
				palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j] = 1


	for len := 2; len <= stringLength; len++ {
		for i := 0; i <= stringLength-len; i++ {
			j := i + len - 1

			if s[i] == s[j] {
				if len == 2 {
					isPalindromeMatrix[i][j] = 1
					palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j] = 2
				} else {
					if isPalindromeMatrix[i+1][j-1] == 1 {
						isPalindromeMatrix[i][j] = 1
						palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j] = 2 + palindromeLengthMatrix[i+1][j-1]
					} else {
						isPalindromeMatrix[i][j] = -1
						palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j] = int(math.Max(float64(palindromeLengthMatrix[i+1][j]), float64(palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j-1])))


			} else {
				isPalindromeMatrix[i][j] = -1


	max_row_index := 0
	max_column_index := 0
	max := 0

	for i, outer := range palindromeLengthMatrix {
		for j := range outer {
			if palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j] > max && isPalindromeMatrix[i][j] == 1 {
				max = palindromeLengthMatrix[i][j]
				max_row_index = i
				max_column_index = j

	return s[max_row_index : max_column_index+1]

