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Convert int to float in Go (Golang)


Golang requires explicit conversion to convert from one type to the other. An int data type can directly be converted into float data type using explicit type conversion. Below is the syntax for that. 


This converts some_value to the destination_type

int to float64

var a int = 12
var b float64 = float64(a)


b := float64(a)

Below is the program for the same

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    var a int = 12
    var b float32 = float64(a)
    fmt.Printf("Underlying Type of b: %T\n", b)

    b2 := float64(a)
    fmt.Printf("Underlying Type of b2: %T\n", b2)


Underlying Type of b: float64
Underlying Type of b2: float64

int to float32

var a int = 12
var b float32 = float32(a)


b := float32(a)

Below is the working program for the same.  

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var a int = 12
	var b float32 = float32(a)

	fmt.Printf("Underlying Type of b: %T\n", b)

	b2 := float32(a)
	fmt.Printf("Underlying Type of b2: %T\n", b2)


Underlying Type of b: float32
Underlying Type of b2: float32

In case we directly assign an int to a float variable without conversion, it will raise a compilation error.  

cannot use a (type int) as type float64 in assignment

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