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Inheritance in GO using struct (Embedding)

This post desicribes inheritance using struct only. Do visit our Inheritance in Go Complete Guide post for full reference

Go supports inheritance by embedding struct or using interface. There are different ways of doing it and each having some limitations. The different ways are:

  1. By using embedded struct – The parent struct is embedded in child struct. The limitation is that subtyping is not possible with this approach. You cannot pass the child struct to a function that expects base. The current post describes this approach.
  2. By using interfaces – Subtyping is possible but the limitation is that one has no way to refer to common properties. Refer this link for more details – Inheritance using Interface
  3. By using interface + struct – This fixes the limitations of above two approach but one limitation is that overriding methods is not possible. But there is a workaround. Refer to this link for more details – Inheritance using interface + struct


In inheritance using a struct, a base struct is embedded in child struct and base properties and methods can directly be called on child struct. See below code:

package main

import "fmt"

type base struct {
	value string

func (b *base) say() {

type child struct {
	base  //embedding
	style string

func check(b base) {

func main() {
	base := base{value: "somevalue"}
	child := &child{
		base:  base,
		style: "somestyle",




Subtyping is not supported. You cannot pass the child struct to a function that expects base.

For example in the above code if you uncomment //check(child) it will give compilation error: “cannot use child (type *child) as type base in argument to check”. To fix this we can do inheritance using Interface