There are cases when we want to import a module which is present locally. Let’s understand how we can import such module. But first, we have to create a module that can be used by others and then import it into the other module. For that let’s create two modules
- module
- school module
school module will be calling code of the module
Let’s first create the module which will be used by school module
- Make a math directory
- Create a module with an import path as
go mod init
- Create a file math.go with the below contents in the math directory
package math
func Add(a, b int) int {
return a + b
Now let’s create the school module
- Create a school directory in the same path as the math directory side by side
- Create a module name school
go mod init school
- Now let’s modify the go.mod file to import the math module in the school module. To import a local module that is not pushed to VCS, we are going to use the replace directory. The replace directory will replace the module path with the path you specify.
module school
go 1.14
replace => ../math
- Create file school.go which is going to use the Add function in module
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(math.Add(2, 4))
Now do a go run
go run school.go
It is able to call the Add function of the module and correctly gives the output as 6.
Also, it will update the go.mod with version information of the module
module school
go 1.14
replace => ../math
require v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000