- Hex numbers are base 16
- Octal numbers are base 8
Hex Numbers
Hex numbers can be written using prefix 0x or 0X in GO. When Go sees any number starting with 0x or 0X, it treats it as a hexadecimal number. In the below example, we added 0x14 in hexadecimal to number 10. 0x14 in hexadecimal is equal to 20 in decimal. Therefore the output will be 30. See conversion table – https://ascii.cl/conversion.htm
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
hexa20 := 0x14 //Equivalent to 20 in decimal
output := 10 + hexa20
Octal Numbers
Octal numbers can be written using prefix 0 in Go. When Go sees any number starting with 0, it treats it as a octal number. In the below example, we added 024 in octal to 10. 024 in octal is equal to 20 in decimal. Therefore the output will be 30
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
octa20 := 024 //Equivalent to 20 in decimal
output := 10 + octa20
Combined Example of Octal and Hex
In the below example, 0x14 in hexa is added to 024 in octa and 10. 0x14 in hexa is equal to 20 in decimal. 024 in octal is equal to 20 in decimal. Therefore the output is 50
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
hexa20 := 0x14 //Equivalent to 20 in decimal
octa20 := 024 //Equivalent to 20 in decimal
output := 10 + hexa20 + octa20