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Difference between GRPC and Rest


REST is an architectural style built on top of HTTP/1. GRPC is not a style instead it is an RPC framework built on top of HTTP/2 and it uses protocol buffers behind the scenes. So basically GRPC is an actual implementation or you can say it is a library whereas REST is just a set of rules and principles.

Although we are comparing a GRPC (implemented framework) with REST -( architectural styles and principles), which might sound weird. Still, it is important to understand the difference in terms of high-level architecture which you will get if you follow one approach over the other

Here are the major differences between the two. Also to mention that this article assumes that you already have some knowledge of GRPC, HTTP2, REST



Here is the link to GRPC for further reading https://grpc.io/


Here is the link to REST for further reading – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer



Mode of Data Transfer



        Plus GRPC uses protocol buffers internally and since protocol buffers are binary data and have less size, they are transferred over a network fast. GRPC can utilize each TCP connection very effectively.Due to these two reasons, GRPC is very fast.

Code Generation

Type Safety


When To Use


These are some of the major differences between GRPC and REST. Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback in the comments.

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