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Golang Regex: Match a floating-point number in Regular Expression

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A floating-point number could have below properties

So below are valid floating-point numbers


Below are invalid floating points 

Below are examples of invalid floats


Let’s first see a simple regex which only matches only the integer, dot, and decimal parts.


On a high level, the entire regex has two parts which are in OR relation

Let’s dissect this regex

Let’s make it more complex by having it accept a negative or a positive sign. Note that negative or positive sign is optional


The regex is the same as the earlier regex. We just added the optional positive negative sign in front

Let’s also add an exponent part to the regex. Again note that the exponent part is optional. This regex is the same as the previous regex. We just added the exponent part at the end


Let’s dissect the exponent part


Now see an example of this regular expression in action

package main

import (

func main() {
	sampleRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^[+\-]?(?:(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:\d[eE][+\-]?\d+)?$`)

	fmt.Println("Valid Inputs")
	match := sampleRegex.MatchString("1.2")
	fmt.Printf("For 1.2: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString(".12")
	fmt.Printf("For .12: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("12")
	fmt.Printf("For 12: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("12.")
	fmt.Printf("For 12.: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("+1.2")
	fmt.Printf("For +1.2.: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("-1.2")
	fmt.Printf("For -1.2.: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("1.2e3")
	fmt.Printf("For 1.2e3.: %t\n", match)

	fmt.Println("\nInValid Inputs")
	match = sampleRegex.MatchString(".")
	fmt.Printf("For .: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("")
	fmt.Printf("For empty string: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("00.1")
	fmt.Printf("For 00.1: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("001")
	fmt.Printf("For 001 %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("+")
	fmt.Printf("For +: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("-")
	fmt.Printf("For -: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("+.")
	fmt.Printf("For +.: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("-.")
	fmt.Printf("For -.: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("1.e2")
	fmt.Printf("For 1.e2: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString(".e2")
	fmt.Printf("For .e2: %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("a1.2")
	fmt.Printf("For a1.2 %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("1.2b")
	fmt.Printf("For 1.2b %t\n", match)

	match = sampleRegex.MatchString("a1.2b")
	fmt.Printf("For a1.2b %t\n", match)


Valid Inputs
For 1.2: true
For .12: true
For 12: true
For 12.: true
For +1.2.: true
For -1.2.: true
For 1.2e3.: true

InValid Inputs
For .: false
For empty string: false
For 00.1: false
For 001 false
For +: false
For -: false
For +.: false
For -.: false
For 1.e2: false
For .e2: false
For a1.2 false
For 1.2b false
For a1.2b false

For all the valid inputs discussed above the program prints true

Valid Inputs
For 1.2: true
For .12: true
For 12: true
For 12.: true
For +1.2.: true
For -1.2.: true
For 1.2e3.: true

And for all the invalid inputs discussed above it gives false

InValid Inputs
For .: false
For empty string: false
For 00.1: false
For 001 false
For +: false
For -: false
For +.: false
For -.: false
For 1.e2: false
For .e2: false
For a1.2 false
For 1.2b false
For a1.2b false

Please try it out and post in the comments if in any case, this regex doesn’t work.

The above regex is used to validate if a given string is a number. If you want to find if an input string contains a number as a substring then we need to remove the anchor characters at the start and the end which is removing the caret (^) at the start and the dollar ($) character at the end

So the regex will be


This is all about matching floating point numbers through regex in golang. Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback in the comments.

Also, check out our Golang advance tutorial Series – Golang Advance Tutorial