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Error in Go (Golang)

This is the  chapter 26 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series

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Previous Tutorial – Select Statement

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In this tutorial, we will study how to do error handling in golang. As compared to other conventional languages go doesn’t have exceptions and try-catch for handling the error.
The error handling in golang can be done in two ways

We will only be discussing the first part in this article.

Using type which implements error interface

Go’s way of dealing with an error is to explicitly return the error as a separate value.

The crux to understanding error in golang is to understand the error interface. This is how the error interface looks as defined in the builtin package


type error interface {
    Error() string

The error interface is the conventional way to represent an error condition in golang. If this is nil then it means no error. So in go error is treated as a value. This value implements the error interface and which can be passed around to a function, returned from a function, and which can be stored in variables.

So any type which defines the Error method is set to be implementing the error interface.  As we mentioned earlier that go doesn’t have exceptions and try-catch so an idiomatic way of handling error condition is to return the error as the last return value. The value can then be checked for nil. If it is nil then the  called function did not return the  error otherwise the called function returned the error. So let’s see a program which demonstrates what we just talked.

package main

import (

func main() {
	file, err := os.Open("non-existing.txt")
	if err != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Println(file.Name() + "opened succesfully")


open non-existing.txt: no such file or directory

In the above program, we are calling the os.Open function to open a non-existing file. Since the file does not exist it gives the above error message in the output. But from where is this error message coming from. Let’s understand that.

Below is the signature of os.Open function

func Open(name string) (*File, error)

It takes one argument as an input which is the file path to be opened. It has two return values.

 Check out the PathError struct type here- https://golang.org/src/os/error.go

type PathError struct {
   Op   string
   Path string
   Err  error

The pointer to PathError struct defines the Error() method

func (e *PathError) Error() string { return e.Op + " " + e.Path + ": " + e.Err.Error() }

Since it defines the Error method hence *PathError implements the error interface.   That is why error can be returned as the second return value from the os.Open function.  Now notice how in the main function we check for the presence of error by only comparing it with nil.   

The reason we compare it with nil because the default zero value of interface is nil and since error is also an interface its default zero value is also nil.

 Also fmt.Println function internally checks if a type passed as an argument to it implements the error interface. If yes then it calls the Error method on that type. That is what this line


gives output

open non-existing.txt: no such file or directory

Using any type as error

Even though we have an error interface in go and we expect every error in go to follow this interface as seen above, still it is not a mandatory requirement. Any type can be treated as an error in go, but generally, it is not recommended that as well as it is not an idiomatic way to code in go. We are mentioning here for the sake of completion and as well as the discussion.

Advantages of using error as a type

Different ways of creating an error

Let’s see now different methods of creating an error

Using errors.New(“some_error_message”)

package main

import (

func main() {
    sampleErr := errors.New("error occured")


error occured

Using fmt.Errorf(“error is %s”, “some_error_message”).

This way creates error with formatting of error messages

package main

import (

func main() {
    sampleErr := fmt.Errorf("Err is: %s", "database connection issue")


Err is: database connection issue

Creating Custom error

The below example illustrates the use of custom error. In below example


package main

import "fmt"

type inputError struct {
    message      string
    missingField string

func (i *inputError) Error() string {
    return i.message

func (i *inputError) getMissingField() string {
    return i.missingField

func main() {
    err := validate("", "")
    if err != nil {
        if err, ok := err.(*inputError); ok {
            fmt.Printf("Missing Field is %s\n", err.getMissingField())

func validate(name, gender string) error {
    if name == "" {
        return &inputError{message: "Name is mandatory", missingField: "name"}
    if gender == "" {
        return &inputError{message: "Gender is mandatory", missingField: "gender"}
    return nil


Name is mandatory
Missing Field is name

Ignoring errors

Underscore (‘_’) operator can be used to ignore the error returned from a function call.  Before we see a program it’s important to note that error should never be ignored. It is not a recommended way. Let’s see a program

package main
import (
func main() {
    file, _ := os.Open("non-existing.txt")



In the above program, we used the underscore operator to ignore the error while opening a non-existing file. That is why the file instance returned by the function is nil. Therefore it is better to check for an error before using any other argument returned by the function as that can be nil and would result in unwanted issues and also sometimes it might also result in a panic.


This is all about the error in golang. We will discuss advanced topics related to the error in next chapter.

Hope you have liked this article. Please share feedback/improvements/mistakes in comments.

Next Tutorial – Error -Part 2
Previous Tutorial – Select Statement