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Edit Distance between two strings in Go (Golang)


Given two strings find the minimum number of operations to convert one string into another. A string can be converted into another string by performing below three operations

All the operations are of equal cost.  Let’s see some examples

Example 1:

First String: abc
Second String: abcd
Output: 1

We can insert a ‘d’ in the first string

Example 2:

First String: abc
Second String: ab
Output: 1

We can remove the ‘c’ from the first string

Example 3:

First String: abc
Second String: abd
Output: 1

We can replace the ‘c’ with ‘d’ in the first string

Example 4:

First String: abce
Second String: abd
Output: 2

Some base cases. Assume the first string is of length m and the second string is of length n


If the last characters of the first and second string match then the output is the min edit operations with the first string of length m-1 and the second string of length n-1. It means recurse for (m-1, n-1)If the last characters do not match then we can either do an insert, remove or replace option in the first string.

Recursive Solution

Below is the recursive solution for the same problem

package main

import (

func main() {
	output := minDistance("abc", "abcd")

	output = minDistance("abc", "ab")

	output = minDistance("abc", "abd")

	output = minDistance("abce", "abd")

func minDistance(word1 string, word2 string) int {
	word1Rune := []rune(word1)
	word2Rune := []rune(word2)
	lenWord1 := len(word1Rune)
	lenWord2 := len(word2Rune)

	return minDistanceUtil(word1Rune, word2Rune, lenWord1, lenWord2)

func minDistanceUtil(word1 []rune, word2 []rune, lenWord1, lenWord2 int) int {
	if lenWord1 == 0 && lenWord2 == 0 {
		return 0

	if lenWord1 == 0 {
		return lenWord2

	if lenWord2 == 0 {
		return lenWord1

	if word1[lenWord1-1] == word2[lenWord2-1] {
		return minDistanceUtil(word1, word2, lenWord1-1, lenWord2-1)
	} else {
		x := minDistanceUtil(word1, word2, lenWord1-1, lenWord2-1)
		y := minDistanceUtil(word1, word2, lenWord1, lenWord2-1)
		z := minDistanceUtil(word1, word2, lenWord1-1, lenWord2)
		return 1 + minOfThree(x, y, z)

func minOfThree(x, y, z int) int {
	output := int(math.Min(float64(x), math.Min(float64(y), float64(z))))
	return output



If you will notice the above program many subproblems are computed again and again hence the complexity of the above solution is exponential. Hence we can also use Dynamic Programming here to reduce the overall time complexity.

Here is the program for the same

Dynamic Programming Solution

package main

import (

func main() {
	output := minDistance("abc", "abcd")

	output = minDistance("abc", "ab")

	output = minDistance("abc", "abd")

	output = minDistance("abce", "abd")

func minDistance(word1 string, word2 string) int {
	word1Rune := []rune(word1)
	word2Rune := []rune(word2)
	lenWord1 := len(word1Rune)
	lenWord2 := len(word2Rune)

	editDistanceMatrix := make([][]int, lenWord1+1)

	for i := range editDistanceMatrix {
		editDistanceMatrix[i] = make([]int, lenWord2+1)

	for i := 1; i <= lenWord2; i++ {
		editDistanceMatrix[0][i] = i

	for i := 1; i <= lenWord1; i++ {
		editDistanceMatrix[i][0] = i
	for i := 1; i <= lenWord1; i++ {
		for j := 1; j <= lenWord2; j++ {

			if word1Rune[i-1] == word2Rune[j-1] {
				editDistanceMatrix[i][j] = editDistanceMatrix[i-1][j-1]
			} else {
				editDistanceMatrix[i][j] = 1 + minOfThree(editDistanceMatrix[i-1][j], editDistanceMatrix[i][j-1], editDistanceMatrix[i-1][j-1])
	return editDistanceMatrix[lenWord1][lenWord2]

func minOfThree(x, y, z int) int {
	output := int(math.Min(float64(x), math.Min(float64(y), float64(z))))
	return output



Note: Check out our Golang Advanced Tutorial. The tutorials in this series are elaborative and we have tried to cover all concepts with examples. This tutorial is for those who are looking to gain expertise and a solid understanding of golang - Golang Advance Tutorial

Also if you are interested in understanding how all design patterns can be implemented in Golang. If yes, then this post is for you -All Design Patterns Golang