Welcome To Golang By Example

Different ways of creating an error in Go (Golang)

Before learning about different ways of creating am an error in Golang lets first understand about the error. Error is an interface type with below signature

type error interface {  
    Error() string

Any by definition of interface any type which implements the Error() method becomes of type error.

Let’s see now different methods of creating an error

1. Using errors.New(“some_error_message”)

package main

import (

func main() {
    sampleErr := errors.New("error occured")


error occured

2. Using fmt.Errorf(“error is %s”, “some_error_message”). This way creates error with formatting of error messages

package main

import (

func main() {
    sampleErr := fmt.Errorf("Err is: %s", "database connection issue")


Err is: database connection issue

3. Creating Custom error

The below example illustrates the use of custom error. In below example


package main

import "fmt"

type inputError struct {
    message      string
    missingField string

func (i *inputError) Error() string {
    return i.message

func (i *inputError) getMissingField() string {
    return i.missingField

func main() {
    err := validate("", "")
    if err != nil {
        if err, ok := err.(*inputError); ok {
            fmt.Printf("Missing Field is %s\n", err.getMissingField())

func validate(name, gender string) error {
    if name == "" {
        return &inputError{message: "Name is mandatory", missingField: "name"}
    if gender == "" {
        return &inputError{message: "Gender is mandatory", missingField: "gender"}
    return nil


Name is mandatory
Missing Field is name