GO struct is named collection of data fields which can be of different types. Struct acts as a container that has different heterogeneous data types which together represents an entity.
For example, different attributes are used to represent an employee in an organization. Employee can have
- Name of string type
- Age of int type
- DOB of time.Time type
- Salary of int type
.. and so on. A struct can be used to represent an employee
type employee struct {
name string
age int
salary int
A struct in golang can be compared to a class in Object Oriented Languages
Declaring a struct type
Below is the format for declaring a struct
type struct_name struct {
field_name1 field_type1
field_name2 field_type2
In the above format, struct_name is the name of the struct. It has a field named field_name1 of type field_type1 and a field named field_name2 of type field_type2. This declares a new named struct type which acts as a blueprint. The type keyword is used to introduce a new type
type point struct {
x float64
y float64
The above declaration declares a new struct named point which has two field x and y. Both fields are of float64 type.Once a new struct type is declared we can define new concrete struct variable from it as we will see in next section
Creating a struct variable
Declaring a struct just declares a named struct type. Creating a struct variable, creates an instance of that struct with memory being initialized as well. We can create a empty struct variable without given any value to any of the field
emp := employee{}
In this case, all the fields in the struct are initialized with a default zero value of that field type. We can also intialize value for each struct field while creating a struct variable. There are two variations
- On the same line
emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
- Each field on different lines
emp := employee{
name: "Sam",
age: 31,
salary: 2000,
It is also ok to initialize only some of the fields with value. The field which are not initialized with value will get the default zero value of their type
emp := employee{
name: "Sam",
age: 31,
In the above case, salary will get the default value of zero since it is not initialized
Let’s see a working code illustrating above points:
package main
import "fmt"
type employee struct {
name string
age int
salary int
func main() {
emp1 := employee{}
fmt.Printf("Emp1: %+v\n", emp1)
emp2 := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
fmt.Printf("Emp2: %+v\n", emp2)
emp3 := employee{
name: "Sam",
age: 31,
salary: 2000,
fmt.Printf("Emp3: %+v\n", emp3)
emp4 := employee{
name: "Sam",
age: 31,
fmt.Printf("Emp4: %+v\n", emp4)
Emp1: {name: age:0 salary:0}
Emp2: {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}
Emp2: {name:Sam age:31 salary:0}
For above program
- We first declare an employee struct.
- emp1’s fields are all intialized with default zero value of its type i.e name with “”, age and salary with 0.
- emp2 has been initialized with all field on the same line. Its fields are correctly printed with their value
- emp3’s has been initialized with all fields on different lines. Its fields are correctly printed with their value
- emp4’s salary field is initialized with a default zero value of 0. While other two fields are correctly printed with their value.
It is to be noted that in the initialization of a struct, every new line with in curly braces has to end with a comma. So below initialization will raise error as
"salary" : 2000
doesn’t end with a comma.
emp := employee{
name: "Sam",
age: 31,
salary: 2000
The below will be fine as last brace is on the same line as last field
emp := employee{
name: "Sam",
age: 31,
salary: 2000}
Without field names
struct can also be initialized without specifying the field names. But in this case, all values for each of the field has to be provided in sequence
emp := employee{"Sam", 31, 2000}
A compiler error will be raised if all values are not provided when field name is not used.
Let’s see a program
package main
import "fmt"
type employee struct {
name string
age int
salary int
func main() {
emp := employee{"Sam", 31, 2000}
fmt.Printf("Emp: %+v\n", emp)
//emp = employee{"Sam", 31}
Emp2: {name:Sam age:31 salary:2000}
Uncomment the line
emp = employee{"Sam", 31}
in the above program, and it will raise compiler error
too few values in employee literal