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Detect cycle start node in a linked list in Go (Golang)

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The objective is to find out the cycle start node in a given linked list. A cycle exists in a linked list if  the last node in the linked list points to another node in the front


The linked list above has a cycle. The cycle start node is node 2. Below is the approach we can follow

slow := slow.Next
fast := fast.Next.Next


Here is the program for the same.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	first := initList()
	ele4 := first.AddFront(4)
	ele2 := first.AddFront(2)

	//Create cycle
	ele4.Next = ele2

	output := cycleStartNode(first.Head)


type ListNode struct {
	Val  int
	Next *ListNode

type SingleList struct {
	Len  int
	Head *ListNode

func (s *SingleList) AddFront(num int) *ListNode {
	ele := &ListNode{
		Val: num,
	if s.Head == nil {
		s.Head = ele
	} else {
		ele.Next = s.Head
		s.Head = ele
	return ele

func initList() *SingleList {
	return &SingleList{}
func cycleStartNode(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
	if head == nil || head.Next == nil {
		return nil

	slow := head
	fast := head

	cycleExists := false

	for slow != nil && fast != nil && fast.Next != nil {
		slow = slow.Next
		fast = fast.Next.Next

		if slow == fast {
			cycleExists = true

	if !cycleExists {
		return nil

	cycleNode := slow

	curr := cycleNode

	lengthCycle := 1

	for curr.Next != cycleNode {
		curr = curr.Next

	curr = head

	for i := 0; i < lengthCycle; i++ {
		curr = curr.Next

	for head != curr {
		head = head.Next
		curr = curr.Next

	return head



Note: Check out our Golang Advanced Tutorial. The tutorials in this series are elaborative and we have tried to cover all concepts with examples. This tutorial is for those who are looking to gain expertise and a solid understanding of golang - Golang Advance Tutorial

Also if you are interested in understanding how all design patterns can be implemented in Golang. If yes, then this post is for you -All Design Patterns Golang