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Composite Design Pattern in Go (GoLang)

Note: Interested in understanding how all other design patterns can be implemented in GO. Please see this full reference – All Design Patterns in Go (Golang)


This is a structural design pattern. Composition design pattern is used when we want a Group of objects called ‘composite’ is treated in a similar way as a single object. It comes under structural design pattern as it allows you to compose objects into a tree structure. Each of the individual objects in the tree structure can be treated in the same way irrespective of whether they are Complex or Primitive.
Let’s try to understand it with an example of a file system of OS. In the file system, there are two types of objects File and Folder. There are cases when File and Folder are treated to be the same way. It will be more clear as we go along.

When to Use

                – In our example above of the file system, let’s say search operation of a particular keyword needs to be executed. Now, this search operation applies to both File and Folder. For a File, it will just look into the contents of the file and for a Folder, it will go through all files in the hierarchy in that folder to find that keyword

                –  In our example, File and Folder do form a tree structure

UML Diagram

Below is the corresponding mapping UML diagram with the example given above


The below table represents the mapping from the UML diagram actors to actual implementation actors in code.

Component interfacecomponent.go

Practical Example

In the example below component is the interface and file and folder implement this interface.


package main

type component interface {


package main

import "fmt"

type folder struct {
    components []component
    name       string

func (f *folder) search(keyword string) {
    fmt.Printf("Serching recursively for keyword %s in folder %s\n", keyword, f.name)
    for _, composite := range f.components {

func (f *folder) add(c component) {
    f.components = append(f.components, c)


package main

import "fmt"

type file struct {
    name string

func (f *file) search(keyword string) {
    fmt.Printf("Searching for keyword %s in file %s\n", keyword, f.name)

func (f *file) getName() string {
    return f.name


package main

func main() {
    file1 := &file{name: "File1"}
    file2 := &file{name: "File2"}
    file3 := &file{name: "File3"}
    folder1 := &folder{
        name: "Folder1",
    folder2 := &folder{
        name: "Folder2",


Serching recursively for keyword rose in folder Folder2
Searching for keyword rose in file File2
Searching for keyword rose in file File3
Serching recursively for keyword rose in folder Folder1
Searching for keyword rose in file File1