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Comparing error or error equality in Go (Golang)

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First of all, what is meant by equality of the error?  As you already know that error is represented by the error interface in go. In go, two interfaces are equal if

So the above two points apply for comparing the error as well. There are two ways of checking if given errors are equal

func Is(err, target error) bool


Let’s see an example

package main
import (
type errorOne struct{}
func (e errorOne) Error() string {
    return "Error One happended"
func main() {
    var err1 errorOne
    err2 := do()
    if err1 == err2 {
        fmt.Println("Equality Operator: Both errors are equal")
    if errors.Is(err1, err2) {
        fmt.Println("Is function: Both errors are equal")
func do() error {
    return errorOne{}


Equality Operator: Both errors are equal
Is function: Both errors are equal

In the above program, we created errorOne struct which defines the Error method hence implement the error interface.  We created err1  variable which is an instance of errorOne struct. We also created a do() function which raises an error of type errorOne and that is captured in err2 variable in the main function

Then we are comparing two errors using

err1 == err2
errors.Is(err1, err2)

Both the method correctly output that the error is equal as both err1 and err2

We mentioned above that using the Is function preferable to using the equality operator because it checks for equality by unwrapping the first error sequentially and matches it with the target error at each step of unwrap. Let’s see an example of that

package main

import (

type errorOne struct{}

func (e errorOne) Error() string {
	return "Error One happended"

func main() {
	err1 := errorOne{}

	err2 := do()

	if err1 == err2 {
		fmt.Println("Equality Operator: Both errors are equal")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Equality Operator: Both errors are not equal")

	if errors.Is(err2, err1) {
		fmt.Println("Is function: Both errors are equal")

func do() error {
	return fmt.Errorf("E2: %w", errorOne{})


Equality Operator: Both errors are not equal
Is function: Both errors are equal

The above program is almost same as the previous program just the difference being that in the do() function we are wrapping the error as well

return fmt.Errorf("E2: %w", errorOne{})
Equality Operator: Both errors are not equal
Is function: Both errors are equal

This is because the err2 returned wraps an instance of  errorOne which is not catched by the equality operator but is catched by Is function