Overview math package of GO provides a Trunc method that can be used to remove decimal points of a float and convert it to an integer Below is the signature of the…
Round Even a number in Go (Golang)
Overview math package of GO provides a RoundToEven method that can be used to round to even a number. It returns the nearest integer rounding ties to even. Here you can read…
Round a number in Go (Golang)
Overview math package of GO provides a Round method that can be used to round a number. It returns the nearest integer value. Below is the signature of the function. It takes…
Get Integer value of a float in Go (Golang)
Overview math package of GO provides a Trunc method that can be used to get integer value of a float Below is the signature of the function. It takes input a float…
Floor of a number in Go (Golang)
Overview math package of go provides a Floor method that can be used to get the ceil of a number. Floor of a number is the greatest integer value less than or…
Ceil of a number in Go (Golang)
Overview math package of GO provides a Ceil method that can be used to get the ceil of a number. Ceil of a number is the least integer value greater than or…
Number of Characters or length of a string in Go (Golang)
In golang string is a sequence of bytes. A string literal actually represents a UTF-8 sequence of bytes. In UTF-8, ASCII characters are single-byte corresponding to the first 128 Unicode characters. All other…
Case insensitive string comparison in Go (Golang)
Overview In Golang string are UTF-8 encoded. strings package of GO provides an EqualFold method that can be used to do case insensitive comparison of two strings in Go. Below is the…
Create count/repeating copies of a string in Go (Golang)
Overview strings package of GO provides a Repeat method that can be used to create repeating copies of a given string. It takes input as the number of counts. Below is the…
Delete in a string by index in Go (Golang)
In Golang string is a sequence of bytes. A string literal actually represents a UTF-8 sequence of bytes. In UTF-8, ASCII characters are single-byte corresponding to the first 128 Unicode characters. All other…