In this article we will see two methods of copying a file. First Method io.Copy() can be used to create a copy of the file from src to dest. A successful copy…
Create a directory or folder in Go (Golang)
Overview os.Mkdir() function can be used to create a directory or folder in go. Below is the signature of the function. It takes in two parameters The first parameter is the named…
Get File Name, Size, Permission Bits, Mode, Modified Time in Go (Golang)
Overview os.Stat() function can be used to the info of a file in go. This function returns stats which can be used to get Name of the file Size of the file…
Rename file or folder in Go (Golang)
Overview os.Rename() function can be used to rename a file or folder. Below is the signature of the function. old and new can be fully qualified as well. If the old and…
Execute an OS/System Command in Go (Golang)
Overview os/exec package can be used to trigger any OS or system command from Go. It has two functions which can be used to achieve the same Command – Used to create…
Return exit status code in Go (Golang)
Overview ‘os’ package of golang provides an Exit function that can be used to exit the current program with a status code. Status code zero means success Non-zero status code means an…
Get Hostname in Go (Golang)
Overview ‘os’ package of golang provides a Hostname function that can be used to get the hostname that is reported by the kernelBelow is the signature of this method. It returns an…
Function in Go (Golang)
This is the chapter 8 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – ConstantsPrevious Tutorial –All basic data types Now…
Generate a random string in Go (Golang)
Overview ‘mat/rand’ package of golang contains a Intn function that can be used to generate a pseudo-random number between [0,n). Bracket at the end means that n is exclusive. This function can…
Generate a number in a given range in Go (Golang)
Overview ‘mat/rand’ package of golang contains a Intn function that can be used to generate a random number between [0,n). Bracket at the end means that n is exclusive. To know more…