Overview GO struct is named collection of data fields which can be of different types. Struct acts as a container that has different heterogeneous data types which together represents an entity. For…
Nested Struct in Go (Golang)
A struct can have an another struct nested in it. Let’s see an example of a nested struct. In below employee struct has address struct nested it in. Output Notice how nested…
Anonymous Fields in a Struct in Go (Golang)
A struct can have anonymous fields as well, meaning a field having no name. The type will become the field name. In below example, string will be the field name as well The…
Declare or create/initialize struct variable in Go (Golang
Overview GO struct is named collection of data fields which can be of different types. Struct acts as a container that has different heterogeneous data types which together represents an entity. For…
Struct in Go (Golang)
This is the chapter 16 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – ArrayPrevious Tutorial – Pointer Now let’s check…
Check if two structs are equal or struct equality in Go (Golang)
The first thing to know before considering struct equality is weather if all struct fields types are comparable or not Some of the comparable types as defined by go specification are boolean…
Exported and UnExported fields of a struct in Go (Golang)
Go doesn’t have any public, private or protected keyword. The only mechanism to control the visibility outside the package is using the capitalized and non-capitalized formats Capitalized Identifiers are exported. The capital letter…
Pretty print struct variables in Go (Golang)
Note: If you are interested in learning Golang, then for that we have a golang comprehensive tutorial series. Do check it out – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series. Now let’s see the current tutorial….
Pointer to a struct in Go (Golang)
In golang struct is named collection of data fields. These fields can be of different types. Struct acts as a container that has different heterogeneous data types which together represents an entity….
An efficient way to check if a key exists in a Map in Go (Golang)
Below is the format to check if a key exist in the map There are two cases If the key exists val variable be the value of the key in the map…