Overview Dot or ‘.’ is treated as a literal character inside the square brackets or character class. It doesn’t need to be escaped inside that. Let’s see a working program for the…
Print string with double quotes in Go (Golang)
Overview The backslash is the escaping character. To print any string that contains literal double quotes, we need to escape both these quotes when the string is enclosed within double quotes. However,…
Write to write or print backslash in a string in Go (Golang)
Overview Backlash is an escaping character. To print a backslash we need to first escape is with another backslash character when using double-quotes. However, a backslash can also be printed using backquotes….
Conversion between float32 and float64 in Go (Golang)
Overview Golang requires explicit conversion to convert from one type to the other. Conversion between float32 and float64 data type requires explicit type conversion. Below is the syntax for that. This converts some_value…
Convert int to float in Go (Golang)
Overview Golang requires explicit conversion to convert from one type to the other. An int data type can directly be converted into float data type using explicit type conversion. Below is the syntax for…
Convert float to int in Go (Golang)
Overview Golang requires explicit conversion to convert from one type to the other. The float data type can directly be converted into float data type using explicit type conversion. Below is the…
Pause Execution of a goroutine until an activity or event is completed in Go (Golang)
Overview Channels can be used to pause the execution of a goroutine until an activity is completed. For a Unbuffered Channel Goroutine will block on send operation if there is no other…
How to access the struct from another package in Go (Golang)
Overview The struct name in another package must start with a capital letter so that it is public outside its package. If the struct name starts with lowercase then it will not…
How to call a function from another package in Go (Golang)
Overview The function in another package must start with a capital letter so that it is public outside its package. If the function name starts with lowercase then it will not be…
Understanding Set-Cookie Response Header
Overview of Set-Cookie Response Header The web server can send the Set-Cookie header back to the client or browsers or any other user agent. The client is then supposed to store this…