Overview The default behavior for regular expression matching in golang is case sensitive. But the default behavior can be changed by adding a set of flags to the beginning of the regular…
Delete a kth node from back in a Singly Linked List in Go (Golang)
Overview Delete a kth node from the back in a Singly Linked List Input linked list: Node to be removed is 3rd from the back, then Output linked list: Program Output Explanation…
Delete a kth node from the front in a Singly Linked List in Go (Golang)
Overview Delete a kth node from the front in a Singly Linked List Input linked list: Let’s say the node to be removed is 3rd from the front, then Output linked list: …
Golang Regex: Match prefix or suffix of a string
Overview Golang regex contains two anchor characters that can be used to match the prefix and suffix of a string given a regular expression. These two characters are Caret Character ‘^’ –…
Golang regex: Understanding caret and dollar character
Overview Caret character‘^’ and Dollar character‘$’ are metacharacters that are used in regex in golang. Metacharacters are characters that have special meaning in regex. Below is a brief introduction of the caret…
Golang regex: Match full string
Overview Golang regex contains two anchor characters that can be used to match a full string. These two characters are Caret Character ‘^’ – It is an anchor character that is used…
Alternation (OR) of regexes in Go (Golang)
Overview It is similar to OR operation. Join two regexes by using the | operator. If there are two regexes r1 and r2, then alternation is represented as below It will either…
Concatenation (AND) of regexes in Go (Golang)
Overview It is similar to AND operator. For example, if there are two regexes r1 and r2, the concatenation of regexes will be represented as below. It will match regex r1 followed…
Understanding Fprintln function in Go (Golang)
Overview Fprintln is defined in the fmt package and is used to format a string using the default format specifier and write it to io.Writer instance passed to it. It also adds…
Check if a linked list is circular in Go (Golang)
Overview Check if a linked list is circular. A linked list is circular is all nodes are connected in the form of a cylce. Program In the below program, we first create…