Welcome To Golang By Example

Benefits of Interface in Go (Golang)

Below are some benefits of using interface.

For eg imagine an application interacting with a database layer. If the application interacts with the database using the interface, then it never gets to know about what kind of database is being used in the background. You can change the type of database in the background, let’s say from arango db to mongo db without any change in the application layer as it interacts with the database layer via an interface which both arango db and mongo db implement.

Different countries have different ways of calculating the tax. This can be represented by means of an interface.

type taxCalculator interface{

Now different countries can have their own struct and can implement the calculateTax() method. The same calculateTax method is used in different contexts to calculate tax. When the compiler sees this call it delays which exact method to be called at run time.

package main

import "fmt"

type taxSystem interface {
    calculateTax() int
type indianTax struct {
    taxPercentage int
    income        int
func (i *indianTax) calculateTax() int {
    tax := i.income * i.taxPercentage / 100
    return tax
type singaporeTax struct {
    taxPercentage int
    income        int
func (i *singaporeTax) calculateTax() int {
    tax := i.income * i.taxPercentage / 100
    return tax

func main() {
    indianTax := &indianTax{
        taxPercentage: 30,
        income:        1000,
    singaporeTax := &singaporeTax{
        taxPercentage: 10,
        income:        2000,

    taxSystems := []taxSystem{indianTax, singaporeTax}
    totalTax := calculateTotalTax(taxSystems)

    fmt.Printf("Total Tax is %d\n", totalTax)
func calculateTotalTax(taxSystems []taxSystem) int {
    totalTax := 0
    for _, t := range taxSystems {
        totalTax += t.calculateTax() //This is where runtime polymorphism happens
    return totalTax


Total Tax is 300