Welcome To Golang By Example

All data types in Golang with examples

Note: If you are interested in learning Golang, then for that we have a golang comprehensive tutorial series. Do check it out – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series. Now let’s see the current tutorial. Below is the table of contents.


Golang is statically typed programming language meaning that each variable has a type. Go has several built in types that we will look into in this article. Data types in Go can be categorized into two types

  1. Basic Types
  2. Composite Types

Basic Types

Let’s first discuss the basic types in GO.

Integers (Signed and UnSigned)

Integers can be signed or unsigned.


Signed integers are of 5 types as below

intPlatform Dependent
int88 bits/1 byte
int1616 bits/2 byte
int3232 bits/4 byte
int6464 bits/8 byte


Size: Platform Dependent.

Range: Again Platform dependent

When to Use:


 var a int
b := 2 //The default is also int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(b)) => int
//This is computed as const uintSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1) // 32 or 64
sizeOfIntInBits := bits.UintSize
fmt.Println(sizeOfIntInBits) => 32 0r 34

Full Working Code

Below is the full working code of the above properties

package main

import (

func main() {
    //This is computed as const uintSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1) // 32 or 64
    sizeOfIntInBits := bits.UintSize
    fmt.Printf("%d bits\n", sizeOfIntInBits)
    var a int
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))
    b := 2
    fmt.Printf("b's typs is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(b))


64 bits
8 bytes
a's type is int
b's typs is int


Size: 8 bits or 1 byte

Range: -27 to 27 -1.

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a int 8
    var a int8 = 2
    //Size of int8 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


1 bytes
a's type is int8


Size: 16 bits or 2 byte

Range: -215 to 215 -1.

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a int16
    var a int16 = 2
    //Size of int8 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


2 bytes
a's type is int16


Size: 32 bits or 4 byte

Range: -231 to 231 -1.


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a int32
    var a int32 = 2
    //Size of int32 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


4 bytes
a's type is int32


Size: 64 bits or 8 byte

Range: -263 to 263 -1

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a int64
    var a int64 = 2

    //Size of int64 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


8 bytes
a's type is int64


UnSigned integers are of 5 types as below

uintPlatform Dependent
uint88 bits/1 byte
uint1616 bits/2 byte
uint3232 bits/4 byte
uint6464 bits/8 byte


Size: Platform Dependent.

Range: Again Platform dependent

When to Use:


 var a uint
//This is computed as const uintSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1) // 32 or 64
sizeOfUintInBits := bits.UintSize
fmt.Println(sizeOfIntInBits) => 32 or 64

Full Working Code

Below is the full working code of above properties

package main

import (

func main() {
    //This is computed as const uintSize = 32 << (^uuint(0) >> 32 & 1) // 32 or 64
    sizeOfuintInBits := bits.UintSize
    fmt.Printf("%d bits\n", sizeOfuintInBits)

    var a uint
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


64 bits
8 bytes
a's type is uint


This is an unsigned integer type that is large enough to hold any pointer address. Therefore is size and range are platform dependent.

Size: Platform Dependent.

Range: Again Platform dependent


When to Use:

package main
import (
type sample struct {
    a int
    b string
func main() {
    s := &sample{a: 1, b: "test"}
   //Getting the address of field b in struct s
    p := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s)) + unsafe.Offsetof(s.b))
    //Typecasting it to a string pointer and printing the value of it




Size: 8 bits or 1 byte

Range:  0 to 255 or 0 to 28 -1.

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a uint8

    var a uint8 = 2
    //Size of uint8 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


1 bytes
a's type is uint8


Size: 16 bits or 2 byte

Range: 0 to 216 -1

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (
func main() {
    //Declare a uint16
    var a uint16 = 2

    //Size of uint16 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


2 bytes
a's type is uint16


Size: 32 bits or 4 byte

Range: 0 to 232 -1


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a uint32
    var a uint32 = 2

    //Size of uint32 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


1 bytes
a's type is uint32


Size: 64 bits or 8 byte

Range: 0 to 264 -1

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a uint64
    var a uint64 = 2
//Size of uint64 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


8 bytes
a's type is uint64


Floats are numbers with decimals. It is of two types

float3232 bits or 4 bytes
float6464 bits or 8 bytes

float64 is the default float type. When you initialize a variable with a decimal value and don’t specify the float type, the default type inferred will be float64.


float32 uses single-precision floating point format to store values. Basically it is the set of all IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers. The 32 bits are divided into – 1 bit sign, 8 bits exponent, and 23 bits mantissa. float 32 take half much size as float 64 and are comparatively faster on some machine architectures.

Size: 32 bits or 4 bytes

Range: 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38′

DefaultValue: 0.0

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points


package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a float32
    var a float32 = 2
    //Size of float32 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))


4 bytes
a's type is float32


float64 uses a double-precision floating-point format to store values. Basically it is the set of all IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers. The 64 bits are divided into – 1-bit sign, 11 bits exponent, 52 bits mantissa. float64 takes twice as much size compared to float32 but can represent numbers more accurately than float32.

Size: 32 bits or 4 bytes

Range: 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38

DefaultValue: 0.0

When to Use:


The below code example illustrates below points

package main

import (

func main() {
    //Declare a float64
    var a float64 = 2
    //Size of float64 in bytes
    fmt.Printf("%d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    fmt.Printf("a's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))
    //Default is float64 when you don't specify a type
    b := 2.3
    fmt.Printf("b's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(b))


8 bytes
a's type is float64
b's type is float64

Complex Numbers

Complex Numbers are of two types

complex64Both real and imaginary part are float32
complex128Both real and imaginary part are float64

The default complex type is complex128


Complex Numbers can be initialized in two ways

complext(a, b)
a := 5 + 6i


For complex 64 both real and imaginary part are float32

Size: Both real and imaginary part are of same size as float32. It is of size 32 bits or 4 bytes

Range: Both real and imaginary part range is same as float32 i.e 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38


Below is a sample code that shows


package main
import (
func main() {
    var a float32 = 3
    var b float32 = 5
    c := complex(a, b)
    var d complex64
    d = 4 + 5i
    //Print Size
    fmt.Printf("c's size is %d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(c))
    fmt.Printf("d's size is %d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(d))
    //Print type
    fmt.Printf("c's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(c))
    fmt.Printf("d's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(d))
    //Operations on complex number
    fmt.Println(c+d, c-d, c*d, c/d)


c's size is 8 bytes
d's size is 8 bytes
c's type is complex64
d's type is complex64
(7+10i) (-1+0i) (-13+35i) (0.902439+0.12195122i)


For complex128 both real and imaginary part are float64

Size: Both real and imaginary part are of same size as float64. It is of size 64 bits or 8 bytes

Range: Both real and imaginary part range is same as float64 i.e -1.7E+308 to +1.7E+308


Below is a sample code that shows


package main

import (

func main() {
    var a float64 = 3
    var b float64 = 5
    c := complex(a, b)
    //Initialize-2. When don't specify a type , the default type will be complex128
    d := 4 + 5i
    //Print Size
    fmt.Printf("c's size is %d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(c))
    fmt.Printf("d's size is %d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(d))
    //Print type
    fmt.Printf("c's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(c))
    fmt.Printf("d's type is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(d))
    //Operations on complex number
    fmt.Println(c+d, c-d, c*d, c/d)


c's size is 16 bytes
d's size is 16 bytes
c's type is complex128
d's type is complex128
(7+10i) (-1+0i) (-13+35i) (0.902439024390244+0.12195121951219513i)


byte in Go is an alias for uint8 meaning it is an integer value. This integer value is of 8 bits and it represents one byte i.e number between 0-255). A single byte therefore can represent ASCII characters. Golang does not have any data type of ‘char’. Therefore

Define Byte

var rbyte byte := 'a'

While declaring byte we have specify the type, as we have in the program above. If we don’t specify the type, then the default type is meant as a rune.


In below code example:

package main
import (
func main() {
    var r byte = 'a'
    //Print Size
    fmt.Printf("Size: %d\n", unsafe.Sizeof(r))
    //Print Type
    fmt.Printf("Type: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(r))
    //Print Character
    fmt.Printf("Character: %c\n", r)
    s := "abc"
    //This will the decimal value of byte


Size: 1
Type: uint8
Character: a
[97 98 99]


rune in Go is  an alias for int32 meaning it is an integer value. This integer value is meant to represent a Unicode Code Point. To understand rune you have to know what Unicode is. Below is short description but you can refer to famous blog post about it – The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

What is UniCode

Unicode is a superset of ASCII characters which assigns a unique number to every character that exists. This unique number is called Unicode Code Point.

For eg

Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters to know about Unicode Point of other characters. But Unicode doesn’t talk about how these code points will be saved in memory. This is where utf-8 comes into picture


utf-8 saves every Unicode Point either using 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes. ASCII points are stored using 1 byte. That is why rune is an alias for int32 because a Unicode Point can be of max 4 bytes in Go as in GO every string is encoded using utf-8.

Every rune is intended to refer to one Unicode Point.  For eg if you print a string after typecasting it to a rune array then it will print the Unicode Point for each of character. For for below string “0b£” output will be – [U+0030 U+0062 U+00A3]

fmt.Printf("%U\n", []rune("0b£"))

Declare Rune

A rune is declared using a character between single quotes like below declaring a variable named ‘rPound’

rPound := '£'

After declaring Rune you can perform below things as well

fmt.Printf("Type: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(rPound))
fmt.Printf("Unicode CodePoint: %U\n", rPound)
fmt.Printf("Character: %c\n", r)

When to Use

You should use a rune when you intend to save Unicode Code Point in the value. A rune array should be used when all values in the array are meant to be a Unicode Code Point.


Below is the code illustrating each point we discussed

package main
import (
func main() {
    r := 'a'
    //Print Size
    fmt.Printf("Size: %d\n", unsafe.Sizeof(r))
    //Print Type
    fmt.Printf("Type: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(r))
    //Print Code Point
    fmt.Printf("Unicode CodePoint: %U\n", r)
    //Print Character
    fmt.Printf("Character: %c\n", r)
    s := "0b£"
    //This will print the Unicode Points
    fmt.Printf("%U\n", []rune(s))
    //This will the decimal value of Unicode Code Point


Size: 4
Type: int32
Unicode CodePoint: U+0061
Character: a
[U+0030 U+0062 U+00A3]
[48 98 163]


string is a read only slice of bytes in golang. String can be initialized in two ways

string in double quotes honors the escape sequences. For eg if the string contains a \n then while printing there will be a new line

String in back quotes is just a raw string and it does not honor any kind of escape sequences.

Each character in a string will occupy some bytes depending upon encoding used. For eg in utf-8 encoded string, each character will occupy between 1-4 bytes. You can read about utf-8 in this must read famous blog-The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!).   In utf-8 , the characters a or b are encoded using 1  byte while the character pound sign £ is encoded using two bytes . Therefore the string “ab£” will output 4 bytes when you will convert the string to byte array and print it like below

s := "ab£"


[48 98 194 163]

Also when you try to print the length of the above string using len(“ab£”), it will output 4 and not 3 because it contains 4 bytes.

Also note that range loops over sequences of byte which form each character, therefore for the below range loop

for _, c := range s {

Output will be


There are many operations that can be performed on a string. One such operation is concatenation which combines two string. The sign ‘+’ is used for concatenation. Let’s see full working  code for all above things that we discussed


package main
import (
func main() {
    //String in double quotes
    x := "this\nthat"
    fmt.Printf("x is: %s\n", x)
    //String in back quotes
    y := `this\nthat`
    fmt.Printf("y is: %s\n", y)
    s := "ab£"
    //This will print the byte sequence. 
    //Since character a and b occupies 1 byte each and £ character occupies 2 bytes. 
    //The final output will 4 bytes
    //The output will be 4 for same reason as above
    //range loops over sequences of byte which form each character
    for _, c := range s {
    fmt.Println("c" + "d")


x is: this
y is: this\nthat
[97 98 194 163]


The data type is bool and has two possible values true or false.

Default Value: false



The below code example shows


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    //Default value will be false it not initialized
    var a bool
    fmt.Printf("a's value is %t\n", a)
    //And operation on one true and other false
    andOperation := 1 < 2 && 1 > 3
    fmt.Printf("Ouput of AND operation on one true and other false %t\n", andOperation)
    //OR operation on one true and other false
    orOperation := 1 < 2 || 1 > 3
    fmt.Printf("Ouput of OR operation on one true and other false: %t\n", orOperation)
    //Negation Operation on a false value
    negationOperation := !(1 > 2)
    fmt.Printf("Ouput of NEGATION operation on false value: %t\n", negationOperation)


a's value is false
Ouput of AND operation on one true and other false false
Ouput of OR operation on one true and other false: true
Ouput of NEGATION operation on false value: true

Composite Types

Non-Reference Types


Arrays in go are values. They are fixed-length sequences of the same type. Since arrays in Go are values, that is why

An array is declared as below. Assume N is the size of the array

newArray := [n]Type{val1, val2, val3}
newArray := [len]Type{}

As we said arrays have fixed length. Therefore

Let’s see an example of array. Below example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    //Declare a array
    sample := [3]string{"a", "b", "c"}

func print(sample [3]string) {


[a b c]


In GO struct is named collection of fields. These fields can be of different types. Struct acts as a container of related data of heterogeneous data type. For example, different attributes are used to represent and employee in an organization. Employee can have

.. and so on. A struct can be used to represent an employee

type employee struct {
    name string
    age  int
    dob  time.Time

The below program depicts

package main
import (
//Declare a struct
type employee struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    salary float64
func main() {
    //Initialize a struct without named fields
    employee1 := employee{"John", 21, 1000}
    //Initialize a struct with named fields
    employee2 := employee{
        name:   "Sam",
        age:    22,
        salary: 1100,
    //Initializing only some fields. Other values are initialized to default zero value of that type
    employee3 := employee{name: "Tina", age: 24}


{John 21 1000}
{Sam 22 1100}
{Tina 24 0}

Reference Types


Slices are dynamically sized, reference into the elements of an array. As mentioned above arrays are of fixed size, so slices give a more flexible interface to arrays. A slice is a reference type as it internally references an array. It is internally represented by three fields

Slices are typed by the type of the underlying array element, not by its length or capacity. Thus two slices will be of the same type if the type of the underlying array is same irrespective of its length and capacity. The built in append function can be used to add more values to the underlying array. If on using append function the length of the slice increases by current capacity, then a new slice is allocated of double the capacity and elements of the current slice are copied to that.

The built in function len can you used to get the current length of the sliceInitialising a slice

make([]TYPE, length, capacity)
p := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

Slices can be also be created from an array or from a different slice.

Below is a program showing an example of a slice showing

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    //Declare a slice using make
    s := make([]string, 2, 3)
    //Direct intialization
    p := []string{"a", "b", "c"}
    //Append function
    p = append(p, "d")
    //Iterate over a slcie
    for _, val := range p {


[ ]
[a b c]
[a b c d]


Channels provide synchronization and communication between goroutines. You can think of it as a pipe through which goroutines can send values and receive values. The operation <- is used to send or receive, with direction of arrow specifying the direction of flow of data

ch <- val    //Sending a value present in var variable to channel
val := <-cha  //Receive a value from  the channel and assign it to val variable

Channel are of two types

A  channel holds data of a particular type at a time. While creating a channel, the type of data l has to be specified while initializing a new channel. Channel can be created using make. In the below example, we are creating a channel which holds data of type string.

events := make(chan string)  //Unbuffered channel
events2 := make(chan string, 2)  //Buffered channel of length 2

Closing a channel

The close() function can be used to close a channel. Closing a channel means that no more values can be sent to the channel

Let's see a working code example of both buffered and unbuffered channel

Buffered Channel Example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    //Creating a buffered channel of length 3
    eventsChan := make(chan string, 3)
    eventsChan <- "a"
    eventsChan <- "b"
    eventsChan <- "c"
    //Closing the channel
    for event := range eventsChan {



UnBuffered Channel Example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    eventsChan := make(chan string)
    go sendEvents(eventsChan)
    for event := range eventsChan {

func sendEvents(eventsChan chan<- string) {
    eventsChan <- "a"
    eventsChan <- "b"
    eventsChan <- "c"




maps are golang builtin datatype similar to a hash which map key to a value. maps are referenced data types. When you assign one map to another both refer to the same underlying map.

Zero Value

zero value of a map is nil


var employeeSalary map[string]int


var employeeSalary make(map[string]int)
//Empty braces
employeeSalary := map[string]int{}

//Specify values
employeeSalary := map[string]int{
"John": 1000
"Sam": 2000


employeeSalary["John"] = 1000
salary := employeeSalary["John"]
delete(employeeSalary, "John")


The below example shows all the points we discussed above

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var employeeSalary map[string]int
    //Intialize using make
    employeeSalary2 := make(map[string]int)
    //Intialize using map lieteral
    employeeSalary3 := map[string]int{
        "John": 1000,
        "Sam":  1200,
    employeeSalary3["Carl"] = 1500
    fmt.Printf("John salary is %d\n", employeeSalary3["John"])
    delete(employeeSalary3, "Carl")
    //Print map
    fmt.Println("\nPrinting employeeSalary3 map")


map[John:1000 Sam:1200]
John salary is 1000

Printing employeeSalary3 map
map[John:1000 Sam:1200]


Pointer is a variable that holds a memory address of another variable. The zero value of a pointer is nil.

Declare a pointer

In the below example ex is int pointer.

var ex *int


used to get the address of a variable

a := 2
b := &b

* operator can be used to dereference a pointer which means getting the value at address stored in the pointer.

fmt.Println(*b) //Print the value stored at address b 

Pointers can also be initialized using new operator

a := new(int)
*a = 10
fmt.Println(*a) //Output will be 10

Let's see a working code covering all the above points

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var b *int
    a := 2
    b = &a
    //Will print a address. Output will be different everytime.
    b = new(int)
    *b = 10




In Go function are values and can be passed around like a value. Basically, function can be used as first-order objects and can be passed around.  The signature of a function is

func some_func_name(arguments) return_values

A function has a name, arguments and returns values. Also, note that there are some important differences between method and function in Go. Let's see the signature of a method


func (receiver receiver_type) some_func_name(arguments) return_values

From the above signature, it is clear that the method has a receiver argument. A receiver can be a struct or any other type. The method will have access to the properties of the receiver and can call the receiver's other methods.

Below is a working example of function

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    add := func(x, y int) int {
        return x + y
    fmt.Println(add(1, 2))

func doOperation(fn func(int, int) int, x, y int) int {
    return fn(x, y)




Interface is a type in Go which is a collection of method signatures. Any type which implements all methods of the interface is of that interface type. Zero value of an interface is nil.

Signature of Interface

type name_of_interface interface{
//Method signature 1
//Method signature 2

Interface are implemented implicitly

There is no explicit declaration that a type implements an interface. In fact, in Go there doesn't exist any "implements" keyword similar to Java.  A type implements an interface if it implements all the methods of the interface.

It is correct to define a variable of an interface type and we can assign any concrete type value to this variable if the concrete type implements all the methods of the interface. Let's see a working example of interface. In the below program

package main

import "fmt"

type shape interface {
    area() int

type square struct {
    side int

func (s *square) area() int {
    return s.side * s.side

func main() {
    var s shape
    s = &square{side: 4}



Special case of empty interface

An empty interface has no methods, hence by default all concrete types implement the empty interface. If you write a function that accepts an empty interface then you can pass any type to that function. See working code below:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

func test(a interface{}) {
    fmt.Printf("(%v, %T)\n", a, a)


(thisisstring, string)
(10, string)
(true, bool)


This is all about the builtin data types that exist in Go. Hopefully by going through this article you will have better undertstanding of data types in Go.