For understanding whether two interface variables are equal or not, we first need to understand the internal representation of an interface. Like any other variable, an interface variable is represented by a…
Tag: go
Embedding Interfaces in Go (Golang)
An interface can be embedded in another interface as well as it can be embedded in a struct. Let’s look at each one by one Embedding interface in another interface An interface…
Interface in Go (Golang)
This is the chapter 21 of the golang comprehensive tutorial series. Refer to this link for other chapters of the series – Golang Comprehensive Tutorial Series Next Tutorial – IotaPrevious Tutorial – Method Now let’s check…
Basic HTTP Server Implementation Using Go (Golang)
Overview HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is an application layer protocol and works in client-server mode. HTTP server is basically a program running on a machine. It listens and responds to HTTP requests…
Pass an Interface as an argument to a function in Go (Golang)
A function can accept an argument of an interface type. That interface type can be either Regular Interface Empty Interface Let’s see example for both of them one by one Regular Interface…
Understanding := symbol or short variable declaration in Go (Golang)
Go provides another way of declaring variables which is using the := operator. When := operator is used both var keyword and type info can be omitted. Below is the format for…
Naming conventions for variables and constant in Go (Golang)
Below are naming conventions for variables and constant in golang A variable or constant name can only start with a letter or an underscore. It can be followed by any number of…
Scope of a variable in Go (Golang)
Scope of a Variable (Local and Global Variable) A variable declaration can be done at the package level or a function level or a block level. The scope of a variable defines…
Understanding var keyword in Go (Golang)
var keyword is a reserved keyword in golang which is used to declare variables in go .variables are declared using the var keyword but there are other ways of declaring a variable…
Fallthrough keyword in Switch Statement in Go (Golang)
fallthrough keyword is used in switch statement in golang. This keyword is used in switch case block. If the fallthrough keyword is present in the case block, then it will transfer control…