GO struct is named collection of data fields which can be of different types. Struct acts as a container that has different heterogeneous data types which together represents an entity. For example, different attributes are used to represent an employee in an organization. Employee can have
- Name of string type
- Age of int type
- DOB of time.Time type
- Salary of int type
.. and so on. A struct can be used to represent an employee
type employee struct {
name string
age int
salary int
Table of Contents
Accessing and Setting Struct Fields
A struct variable can be created as below
emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
Once the struct variable is created, structs fields can be accessed using the dot operator. Below is the format for getting the value
n := emp.name
Similarly a value can be assigned to a struct field too.
emp.name = "some_new_name"
Let’s see an example
package main
import "fmt"
type employee struct {
name string
age int
salary int
func main() {
emp := employee{name: "Sam", age: 31, salary: 2000}
//Accessing a struct field
n := emp.name
fmt.Printf("Current name is: %s\n", n)
//Assigning a new value
emp.name = "John"
fmt.Printf("New name is: %s\n", emp.name)
Current name is: Sam
New name is: John